JOHN CZARICK M.ED, CDMS, ABVE, ABDA, CRP VOCATIONAL EXPERT The Vocational Interview Asset or Liability
The Vocational Interview can be defined as the process of gaining a variety of vocationally related information from an individual via direct contact through a face to face meeting or telephonic conversation. The information is to focus on such areas as medical status, education and employment history.
Referral 1. Client notification---Act 57 Letter 2. Establishing appointment a. Via client b. Via client’s attorney 3. Settings for Vocational Interview a. Attorney office b. Client’s home c. Library d. Restaurant
Preparation 1. Records review a. Physical abilities b. Education c. Relevant work history d. Language 2. Forms a. Release of information 3. Testing Materials a. Wide Range Achievement Test b. Interest Inventory c. Other Instruments
Arrival 1. Who’s in attendance? Does it make a difference? a. Attorney/Paralegal b. Spouse c. Friends 2. Initial Observations a. Dress b. Eye contact c. Body language d. Punctuality e. Assistive devices f. Verbal ability
Major Areas of Interview 1. Introduction—Act 57 Statement 2. Medical Information a. Associated with Injury b. Client’s estimate of physical abilities c. Other related medical 3. Social/Personal Information a. Activities of daily living (ADL’s) 4. Educational History
Major Areas of Interview(cont.) 5. Employment History a. Jobs b. Duties c. Wages d. Physical demands e. Military information 6. Financial
Vocational Testing 1. Setting for Vocational Testing 2. Tests to be administered a. Time for testing b. Do they provide any valuable information? 3. Types of Testing a. Achievement b. Interest c. Aptitude d. Intellectual
Vocational Report 1. Header 2. Introduction 3. Medical 4. Social/Personal 5. Education 6. Employment History 7. Vocational Testing 8. Alternative Employment 9. Summary
Client Behavior 1. Client’s Emotional Behavior a. Anger b. Anxiety c. Depression 2. Non Cooperation 3. Sabotage 4. Threatening Behaviors
Summary 1. Referral 2. Preparation 3. Arrival 4. The Interview 5. Testing 6. Reporting 7. Behaviors
Conclusion Thanks for Attending and Have a Great Day! See you next year------