11-1-S130-EP Unit S130-EP
11-2-S130-EP Methods of Mopup Hand tools are used for mopup in the following ways: Scraping Digging Stirring Mixing Separating Turning logs and other heavy materials.
11-3-S130-EP Dry Mopup Chunking and piling Spreading of heavy concentrations of materials near control line or inside burned area. Banked fuels
11-4-S130-EP Dry Mopup Boneyarding or Bone Piling 11-4-S130-EP
11-5-S130-EP Dry Mopup Turn Logs/Material 11-5-S130-EP
11-6-S130-EP Wet Mopup 11-6-S130-EP
11-7-S130-EP Wet Mopup
11-8-S130-EP Process for Applying Systematic Mopup Start with the hottest area and progress to the coolest. Plan a beginning and an ending point. Work inward from the control line. Examine the entire assigned area. Make sure instructions are clear. “Ask Questions”
11-9-S130-EP Four Senses Sight 11-9-S130-EP
11-10-S130-EP Using The Four Sense to detect Hot Materials. Sight-look for: Smoke Heat waves White ash Stump holes Steam Gnats
11-11-S130-EP Four Senses Touch S130-EP
11-12-S130-EP Using The Four Sense to detect Hot Materials. Touch: Do not wear gloves At first, feel with the back of your hand about 1 inch away, then carefully with direct contact.
11-13-S130-EP Four Senses Smell S130-EP
11-14-S130-EP Using The Four Sense to detect Hot Materials. Smell: Smoke Burning materials and the gases that these materials give off.
11-15-S130-EP Four Senses Hearing S130-EP
11-16-S130-EP Using The Four Sense to detect Hot Materials. Hearing- listen for the: Cracking and pop of burning material. Hiss of water as it hits hot materials.
11-17-S130-EP Safety Hazards S130-EP
11-18-S130-EP Low-hanging limbs can spread fire across fireline S130-EP
11-19-S130-EP Covered Fuels Machine Piles Break up and disperse Hazards in machine piles include: –spring poles –unstable footing –hidden pockets –reduced recognition and visibility at night –falling berm and logs –fatigue
11-20-S130-EP Covered Fuels Ground Coal seams Peat Heavy duff layers in timber Natural fuel accumulations
11-21-S130-EP Strengthening Control Line Rearrange Fuel S130-EP
11-22-S130-EP Strengthening Control Line Trenches S130-EP
11-23-S130-EP Strengthening Control Line Waterbars
11-24-S130-EP Cold Trailing
11-25-S130-EP Hotspotting
11-26-S130-EP MOP-UP Standards
11-27-S130-EP MOP-UP Standards
11-30-S130-EP Nozzle Types Straight stream Spray Fog S130-EP
11-31-S130-EP Types of Class A Foam Foam Solution –A clear to milky fluid –lacks bubble structure –mostly water Wet Foam –Watery –Large to small bubbles –Lacks body –Fast drain times Fluid Foam –Similar to watery shaving cream –Medium to small bubbles –Flows easily –Moderate drain times Dry Foam –Similar to shaving cream –Medium to small bubbles –Mostly air –Clings to vertical surfaces –Slow drain times Expansion 1:1 20:1 Drainage Rapid Slow
11-32-S130-EP Water Application Apply the right amount of water
11-33-S130-EP Handtools and Water
11-34-S130-EP3A-34-S211-EP Water the Base of the Flame
11-35-S130-EP Approach Fire with Charged Hose 3A-35-S211-EP
11-36-S130-EP Follow up with Hand Tools 3A-36-S211-EP
11-37-S130-EP MOPUP QUIZ PAGE in S-130 work book.