CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.8.2CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.8.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
Theme Definition: A “controlling” idea about life or human nature that unifies the story -i.e. what is meant by “human nature”? Not just one word For example: theme of The Outsiders is not just ‘fighting’ One theme of The Outsiders: fighting is not any good, it can lead to a lot of bad consequences
Compare/Contrast Write a t-chart on your white board Write down differences and similarities between Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken,” and Strait’s song, “The Road Less Traveled” Some questions to help: What does one say, but not the other?, How are the themes different?, Do they both discuss one central idea?, What are they trying to say about humanity?, etc. FrostStrait
Identify Theme With a partner, identify the theme of “The Road Not Taken” and “The Road Less Traveled” Write down the themes you and partner decide upon Think about what they each are stating about roads; what are they saying about human nature We will discuss as a class when finished
Theme Support? After identifying the theme, how does the author support the theme? Individually write down, on your white boards how each one supports the theme and/or essential question about the greater good Use evidence from the text to support as well as your own interpretation in a t-chart (ex. Frost supports the theme of ____ because he describes _____ in his poem) Once finished, you will discuss with your partner next to you FrostStrait
Writing the Theme Write a short paragraph for the poem, “The Road Not Taken,” and the song, “The Road Less Traveled” Identify the theme for each (they may be the same theme or two different themes) and utilize textual evidence to support your theme Make sure that your ‘I’ includes an explanation of the quote and how it ties to the theme Minimum of 4 sentences for each Title it “The Road Not Taken” and “The Road Less Traveled” Theme
Final Question How does “The Road Not Taken” and “The Road Less Traveled” support the idea of the greater good? Write your answer in your chart, citing evidence from the text