COURSE OUTLINE CE 73-xx Sustainable Transportation January 2016
SUSTAINABL E TRANSPORT ATION CE73-xx Sustainable Transportation Level:Undergraduate Time:Tuesday 13:00 – 16:00 Classroom: 114 Instructor: Siradol SIRIDHARA
CONTENTS (1 st Half) Introduction to Sustainable Transportation What is sustainability? Mobility and Accessibility Automobile Dependency, Equity and Inequity History of Sustainable and Unsustainable Transportation Transportation History Transportation Infrastructure Rise of Automobility Telecommunication and Transportation The City of the Future Yesterday's Tomorrow Land Transportation Modes Streets/Pedestrians/Bicycl e s Conceptualizing Streets Principles of Street Design Pedestrian Planning Principles Pedestrian Planning Tools Pedestrian Designing Tools Measuring Pedestrian Success 18 January – 26 April (14 Weeks) Transit/Stations Transit Modes Design for Transit Measuring Success Multimodal Access Station Components Transit Oriented Development Motor Vehicles/Parking Designing for Cars Design Manuals & Guidance Modeling Traffic Parking Economics Parking Tools Parking Management Transportation Demand Management What is Traffic Congestion and Why Does it Happen? Planning for Reduced Traffic Traffic Reduction
CONTENTS (2 nd Half) Moving Freight, Logistics & Supply Chain in a More Sustainable Direction Background to current freight movement factors Factors that shape freight movement Problem of global supply chains Total logistics cost Transportation Economics and Investment Basic concept and principles Current evaluation methods Hidden and intentional subsidies and externalities Opportunity costs Regulation versus pricing Time-area Moving public policy and investment evaluation towards promoting sustainability 18 January – 26 April (14 Weeks) Public Policy and Effective Citizen Participation Public, policy, and participation Transportation policy Public and participation Planning Policy and Mobility Management Integrated policy- making planning and mobility management Towards better management of existing transportation features Integrated planning Moving from planning and policy to regeneration, repair, and renewal Measuring Success Performance Measure: use and misuse Measuring success for Multiple Modes Using Performance Measure to Balance Modes City Wide Transportation System Measurements Evaluating Alternatives
REFERENC ES 1.Preston L. Schiller, Eric C. Bruun and Jeffrey R. Kenworthy, An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation: Policy, Planning and Implementation, Paperback Edition 2010, Earthscan Publication, Ltd. 2.Jeffrey Tumlin, Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities, (Wiley Series in Sustainable Design)
GRADING 1.A quiz will be randomly given before class. Your have 15 minutes to complete it. It is an individual effort. Books and notes are allowed. 2.Two parts of assignments for this course include: Weekly assignments (10%) must be submitted at the start of the next class to get a full credit. Late submission is allowed before the semester end but with a maximum of half credit. Term project (10%) is to review papers/reports on a topic of interest related to sustainable transportation and urban development. It is due before the last class. Students will be required to present their works. 3.Midterm Exam covers the first half contents. 4.Final Exam covers only the second half contents. 1.Attendance/Quiz 10% 2.Assignments 20% 3.Midterm 30% 4.Final 40%