Health Care Reform and The Department of Public Social Services
2 Access And Enrollment to Health Care Reform DPSS is a gateway to Health Care by providing access and enrollment assistance for individuals and families to apply for health insurance through various channels: DPSS Website- Your Benefits Now (YBN) DPSS Customer Service Centers (CSC) Applications Mail-In to DPSS Offices DPSS District Offices and Outreach Sites Located Throughout Los Angeles County Calling Covered California for Enrollment
3 To assist with upcoming HCR enrollment efforts, DPSS has implemented the following: Enhancement to the DPSS Website - YBN that supports applications for Medi-Cal program that meets HCR requirements. Established three CSC sites to support DPSS offices: Designated CSC staff will be available to assist in enrolling customers transferred to our Call Centers by Covered California. DPSS will take applications during the pre-enrollment period October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 and Enrollment period is January 2014 – March DPSS is partnering with the CEO, DHS, and Community Partners on the “Everybody on Board Campaign” to increase enrollment in HWLA. Access And Enrollment to Health Care Reform
4 DPSS continues to collaborate with the Department of Health Services (DHS) to enroll and retain individuals in the Healthy Way LA (HWLA) Program. DHS-Healthy Way LA (HWLA) DHS has targeted enrollment of 300,000 individuals into the HWLA program by December 31, DPSS-Medi-Cal The HWLA population will transition from DHS to DPSS effective January 1, 2014, under the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Medi-Cal Program. Outreach Efforts