Jacob Meyer 4th
1. What were the causes of this war? To stop communism from spreading.
2. Who were the major political leaders involved in this war? Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford. Generals & Colonels Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams, Olds, Starry Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara Senator Robert Kennedy
3. How did Americans perceive the war on their personal lives? Many peoples family members died in the Vietnam war, and others were away for many years.
4. What factors led to public support or opposition to the war? Who were the leaders of this support/opposition? Many supported the war they said we were taking a stand against communism, but others opposed in the fact that it was not our business.
5. What events brought an end to the war? A cease-fire agreement is signed in Paris. All remaining US troops leave Vietnam
6. What were the primary changes brought about by this conflict? Vietnam became a united nation, and was no longer at war with the U.S.