Customer Assistance Module Defense Logistics Agency
This module is designed to familiarize you with DLA policies, procedures and resources which will assist in the effective management of your supply requisitions and logistics needs as well as answer questions about the DLA requisition process Introduction
Defense Logistics Agency Military Services CJCS Under. Secy. Acquisition, Tech. & Logistics CINCs Director Command Sergeant Major Vice DirectorExec Director Defense Distribution Center (DDC) Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP) Information Operations (J-6) Logistics Operations (J-3) DLA Inventory Control Points Document Automation & Production Service (DAPS) Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS ) Defense Reutilization & Marketing Service (DRMS) DLA – Pacific & DLA – Europe Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) Defense National Stockpile Center (DNSC) Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC) Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR) DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) provides supply support and technical/logistic services to the military services, DoD agencies, federal civil agencies and selected foreign governments. The primary focus of the Agency is to support the war fighter in time of war and in peace and to provide relief efforts during times of national emergency. Unit 1 Overview of DLA Mission
DLA Background DLA acquires and manages supplies and materiel for the military services. This includes: All food, fuel, and medical supplies used by the services Approximately four million consumable items A $10 billion inventory with $15 billion in annual sales Managing $24 billion in annual reutilization and disposal of materiel National stock pile of $6 billion in critical materiel Approximately $2 billion in Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Additional information about DLA can be found at
Unit 2 Customer Support Network Dial this toll-free number to access DLA’s major activities. Customer Information Specialist available: (EST) Monday thru Friday Emergency Supply Operations Centers or Staff Duty Officers available weekends and for after-hours emergencies DLA-CALL/
Customer Support Network DLA-CALL also links Customers directly to DESEX at inventory Control points. Customers can order, modify existing requisitions, check status of orders and check supply availability. DESEX operates 24 hours, 365 days/year. Additional information about DESEX can be found at tm Defense Emergency Supply Expert System (DESEX)
Unit 3 Overview of DLA Organizations DLA Logistics Operations (J-3) Defense Supply Centers Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia (DSCP) Defense Supply Center, Columbus (DSCC) Defense Supply Center, Richmond (DSCR) DLA Service Center Defense Reutilization and Marketing (DRMO) Distribution Center Defense Distribution Center (DDC)
Mission of J-3 DLA Logistics Operations (J-3) provides policy and management to support the procurement, storage, and distribution of 4.1 million items for U.S. military customers, U.S. federal agencies, and allied forces throughout the world. Also, performs a wide variety of logistical services and serves as a full combat support partner with the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Additional information about DLA J-3 is located at Points of Contact for policy questions or suggestions are located
Defense Supply Centers (J-3) Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) provides all forms of facility and mobility energy. Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia (DSCP) provides troop support and general commodity items. Defense Supply Center Columbus (DSCC) supplies items for land and sea weapons’ systems. Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR) provides items for air, aviation and space support.
DLA Service Center (J-3) Defense Distribution Center (DDC) is responsible for receipt, inspection, storage, physical inventory, in- storage maintenance, and issue of DLA/Service-owned items. DDC manages 24 depots.
Mission of J-6 DLA J-6 consolidates numerous information technology efforts and provides oversight for activities such as electronic commerce, logistics support systems, document automation and field information in support of military logistics. Additional information about J-6 can be found at
DLA Service Center (J-6) Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) is responsible for the federal catalog system (FCS) database that serves as a repository for more than 7 million items used throughout the federal government. Also offers customers a variety of ways to access logistics information.
Information Services Defense Automatic Addressing Systems Center (DAASC) receives, processes, routes and transmits Defense Logistics Standard System (DLSS) transactions; automatically determines sources of supply; provides users with up-to-date status of requirements; maintains official historical archives of DoD logistics-related data bases and publications. Defense Logistics Management Standards Office (DLMSO) provides procedures for communicating requirements, moving material, and performing the other tasks that ensure the continuing operation of DoD's logistics system.
Unit 4 Logistics Exchange Logistics Exchange is a web site containing information on the following supply systems: LINKLOLADAASINQ DESEXDRMSWEBCATS DLA STATUSEMALLDAMES WEBREQDSSGTN ITVWEB VLIPSJTAV
Logistics Exchange Each system has an overview, hardware/software requirements to access the system, registration procedures, points of contact, query examples, and a “hot link” to the system. Many of these systems require User ID/passwords. Recommend that you review these sites and obtain necessary passwords.
Points of Contact for DLA Organizations DSCP: DSCR: DSCC: DLIS: DAASC: support.htmhttp:// support.htm DRMS: DDC: DLMSO: DESC:
Additional Points of Contact DLA Europe – DLA Headquarters’ focal point with the European Theater. Provides customer assistance, liaison, services, war planning interfaces and logistics support to Commander-in-Chief, European Command and the service components’ commands. Points of Contact: EPOCs.htmhttp:// EPOCs.htm DLA Pacific – DLA Headquarters focal point within the Pacific Theater. Provides the full range of logistics support to the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command and the service components’ commands. Points of Contact:
Unit 6 Customer Service Representatives In addition to the Customer Support Network and the direct links to DLA Organizations, DLA has a network of representatives located at many sites across the country and around the world to assist customers in doing business with DLA. Any questions or comments about DLA or if assistance is needed with a particular DLA problem, call the representative located nearest you DLA POCs:
Unit 7 DLA Customer Assistance Handbook Provides information which facilitates support. Includes commonly used supply codes. To receive a Customer Assistance Handbook, points of contacts are: Fax: (616) DSN: The On-Line Customer Handbook is available at:
Unit 8 DLA Customer Newsletters Loglines – a newsletter which keeps DLA customers informed about products and services. Published quarterly. To receive a Loglines subscription points of contacts are: Fax: (616) DSN: Internet:
DLA Customer Newsletters Dimensions – Flagship publication of DLA which highlights major DLA initiatives of interest to customers. Dimensions is the director's primary communication tool. Published bi-monthly. A hard copy may be requested by contacting: DLA Office of Corporate Communications ATTN: DSS-C (Christine Born) Rm John J. Kingman Road Fort Belvoir, Va (703) /DSN Internet:
DLA Customer Newsletters DLA Customer Infogram – Highlights information and news about DLA supply centers and service centers via the internet. Infogram is ed directly to subscriber’s inbox. Customers can subscribe at:
Unit 9 Fed LOG FED LOG system allows quick and easy searching of logistics data bases. These include: Master Cross Reference List, the Management List, Department of Defense Interchangeability and Substitutability, Freight Classification Data, Identification Lists, parts of the Federal Item Logistics Data Record, and the Federal Item Name Directory. View the Power Point presentation at Product/Service Ordering Information
Unit 10 Available Training DLA Customer Expo –This free Annual event has More than 60 Workshops & Displays from All DLA Activities. Check for the next one. DLA Customer Assistance Logistics Course (acquaints customer with DLA, its mission, operations and how it supports the DLA customer) Available at
Conclusion We hope that this module provides you with the necessary tools to assist in the effective management of your supply requisitions and logistic needs. Questions/Comments about this module should be addressed to