Librarian: Ms. Bacon Librarian’s Assistant: Ms. Eide Hours: Monday Tuesday Thursday: 7:00 - 3:30 Wednesday: 9:00 - 3:45 Friday: 7:00 - 3:00 SKYLINE LIBRARY
Report Writing Summary with specific details Explanation of a situation, event, book, etc. Research Analyze a perspective or argue a point present your own thinking (thesis) backed by others' ideas, research, and findings RESEARCH
So… …if writing about the Vietnam War, you’d read newspaper articles and books and interview veterans to develop and/or confirm a viewpoint and support it with evidence
Citation : make reference to and give credit to a source for use of facts and ideas DEFINITIONS
In-Text Citation : the brief note so the reader: 1) knows the fact/idea came from another source 2) can look at your Works Cited page and find the exact location of the idea/fact looks like… DEFINITIONS…
Works Cited : the last page of a research paper, includes full citation information for all sources cited in your paper and no other sources looks like… DEFINITIONS…
Suggestions: Purdue University – OWL site Books and subscription databases are the most reliable and the easiest to cite. Other online sources can be as reliable, but more work is needed to validate the source’s authority HOW TO CITE
1)Go to the Skyline Library website via the Skyline webpage. And click on Library Catalog.Skyline Library 2)Choose a non-fiction book in the catalog and write down the title and call number of the book. 3)Go to the “Databases” tab on the library page and look at the different databases and write down the name of one database. ASSIGNMENT ONE (4 THINGS)
4) Create an EasyBib account. Directions here. Directions here this is a site that will help you collect, cite, and format your citations you are just creating an account, you don’t need to do anything else except remember your login information
Due: at the beginning of class on Tuesday, September 16