THEATRE TYPES GAME FOR ALL AGES You will all do wonderfully on the exit exam!
RULES Ms Horn has elected herself the official question reader and is responsible for using fair judgment in all decision making. The room will be divided into two teams comprised of students in the room. Try to make them even in both skill and numbers. The final question is going to be for both teams and they will wager their points before they answer- not unlike jeopardy.
RULES CONTINUED Each Team will be provided with a bell. To answer the question you must be the first to ring your bell AFTER the question is read. If the bell rung BEFORE the question is completed the opposite team will automatically be given the chance to answer. When given the chance to answer each team will have one minute to answer the question. If right the team will score a point if wrong no points will be rewarded and the other team will be given the chance to answer and steal the point. If no one answers check and discuss. THE GAME WILL BEGIN AFTER THIS SLIDE.
QUESTION #1 The ________ satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class. The plot is often concerned with an illicit love affair or some other scandal, is generally less important than its witty and often bawdy dialogue
ANSWER #1 Comedy of Manners
QUESTION #2 What form of theatre based on a literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.?
ANSWER #2 Satire
QUESTION #3 What type of theatre involves the mystical, metaphysical and dream-like?
ANSWER #3 Surrealism
QUESTION #4 What form of theatre emerged when playwrights in the 1900’s decided to distance themselves from realism and previous conventions?
ANSWER #4 Avant Garde
QUESTION #5 Theatrical conventions with the aim of bringing a greater accuracy of real life to texts and performance are known as?
ANSWER #5 Realism
QUESTION #6 A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.
ANSWER #6 Tragedy
QUESTION #7 A “photographic” realism?
ANSWER #7 Naturalism
QUESTION #8 A theatrical work that is light and humorous in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.?
ANSWER #8 Comedy
QUESTION #9 A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action. (Comes from the Greek word meaning “action” or “to do”. )
ANSWER #9 Drama
QUESTION #10 Theatre that incorporates technology, machines and other elements to promote progress and speed is known as?
ANSWER #10 Futurism
QUESTION #11 Acting without words is known as?
ANSWER #11 Pantomime
QUESTION #12 A modern work that incorporates singing, dancing and acting; that is performed on a smaller scale than traditional opera is known as?
ANSWER #12 Musical Theatre
QUESTION #13 A form of theatre that entertains the audience by means of unlikely, extravagant, and improbable situations, disguise and mistaken identity, verbal and physical humor of varying degrees of sophistication, which may include sexual innuendo and word play is known as?
ANSWER #13 Farce
QUESTION #14 What was a surrealist form of theatre theorized by Antonin Artaud in his book The Theatre and its Double?
ANSWER #14 Theatre of Cruelty
QUESTION #15 What form of theatre makes sure that the audience is always aware they are watching a play, for the purpose of having them think instead of feel?
ANSWER #15 Epic Theatre
QUESTION #16 A ______________is humorous or satirical in tone, in which the action usually features a series of comic instances of mistaken identity, and which typically, culminates in a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.
ANSWER #16 Comedy of Errors
QUESTION #17 In which form of theatre do the audience becomes active, such that as they explore, show, analyze and transform the reality of the play? (This theatre was aimed for the lower class people to have a voice.)
ANSWER #17 Theatre of the Oppressed
QUESTION #18 Which form of theatre presents a world that cannot be logically explained?
ANSWER #18 Theatre of the Absurd
QUESTION #19 What form of theatre uses stock characters with improvised scenes/skits?
ANSWER #19 Commedia dell’ arte
FINAL QUESTION Put these theatres in chronological order from past to present: Realism, Commedia dell’ arte, Naturalism, Theatre of the Absurd, Greek
FIN Greek, Commedia dell’arte, Realism, Naturalism, Theatre of the Absurd
SURPRISE EXTRA 3 POINTS What is Vaudeville Theatre?
VAUDEVILLE Vaudeville- Vaudeville was made of comedians, singers, plate- spinners, ventriloquists, dancers, musicians, acrobats, animal trainers, and anyone who could keep an audience’s interest for more than three minutes. Beginning in the 1880s and through the 1920s, vaudeville was home to more than 25,000 performers, and was the most popular form of entertainment in America. Like the Yiddish theater and the circus, vaudeville was a family affair — singing sisters, dancing brothers, and flying families.
O MY GOSH ANOTHER SURPRISE An extra point for each person who knows a fact about Guerrilla Theatre?
FACTS ABOUT GUERRILLA THEATRE GT is a term coined in 1965 within the San Fransisco Mime Troupe. The group performances were aimed against the Vietnam War. Performances contained nudity, profanity and taboo subjects that were shocking to some of the audience of the time. Guerrilla (Spanish for "little war") describes the act of spontaneous, surprise performances in unlikely public spaces to an unsuspecting audience. (Like flash mob and improv everywhere- without the social protest aspect.) This was a 1960’s type of Avant Garde Theatre.