LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT The thesis statement is the central idea that your paper proves. The rest of your paper is organized around the thesis statement. The Old Way The three-pronged thesis statement in preparation for a five paragraph essay. Example: In the novel, Fitzgerald discusses that money is the root of evil by showing how it corrupts Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby. Why Get Rid of It? This type of thesis is good when you’re teaching eighth graders how a thesis governs the structure of a paper, but as we move away from the five paragraph essay and into more sophisticated ideas, we take off the training wheels. The New Way The thesis should reflect all of what you have to prove without conforming to the artificial three-pronged format. If this leads to a paper that is longer than five paragraphs, but is more complete, that is okay. Example: The idea of money being the root of all evil is prevalent in the book through the carefully-selected use of characterization.
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT FIRST SENTENCE DO: Mention the title and author of the novel. DO NOT: Provide an artificial “grabber” to “get the audience’s attention” NEXT SENTENCE OR TWO DO: Elaborate on the subject of the book by providing brief background information (no more than two sentences). Provide only details relevant to your thesis. DO NOT: Provide irrelevant or drawn out summary of the novel. NEXT SENTENCE OR TWO Discuss the specific literary device(s) you will address in your thesis. THESIS
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby creates a world of illusion and escape. Throughout the book, Gatsby tries to cultivate a lifestyle that exists purely in his mind so he can one day recapture the memories and connection with his long-time love interest, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby changes everything so he can win Daisy over; however, the end result is a life of loneliness and misery when Gatsby’s dream is shattered. Fitzgerald develops many powerful internal and external conflicts that serve as road blocks in Gatsby’s attempt at achieving his ultimate goal. Due to these ever-present conflicts, Gatsby’s never-ending quest to find true love and happiness is thwarted when he is brought to his premature demise. As a result, it is clear that many of the conflicts in the story are the product of the fact that people are blinded by reality and must be willing to accept the truth in their lives.
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT Topic Sentence (1) Transition into paragraph (one or two words) Refine Topic Sentence (2) Transition to First Evidence (a few words) Introduce evidence (a few words) Quote Evidence (3) Analyze Evidence (4) Transition to Second Evidence (a few words) Introduce evidence (a few words) Quote Evidence (5) Analyze Evidence (6) Reconnect to the Thesis (7) Repeat Cycle as Needed
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT It is evident that one of the richest and most despicable characters of the novel is Daisy Buchanan. Fitzgerald uses distinct characterization to show that Daisy is concerned only with herself and is oblivious to what goes on around her. She is an “East Egger”—a member of an old money family living on the more fashionable side of Long Island. Daisy, though beautiful on the outside, has nothing else to offer. There is no depth to her because she obsesses over material possessions. Self-centered and arrogant, she demands that the attention be on her, and she gives little concern for her three-year-old daughter, Pam, unless she wishes to display her (16; 117). When she begins an affair with Gatsby, a man who loves her with all his heart, she does it not for her love of Gatsby but to get back at her husband Tom. Despite Tom’s infidelity, Daisy is comfortable with her life and knows she will not leave him. Her relationship with Gatsby is nothing more than a game to her, for she plays with his emotions and allows him to believe that she will leave Tom. She even lets him take the blame after she accidentally runs over Tom’s mistress, Myrtle (143). Nothing but herself matters to Daisy, for others are obsolete or simply pawns to be used. Daisy’s characterization shows that she lives life without any real purpose and relies solely on her unlimited wealth to get ahead in the world.
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT Thesis Restated Summary of Major Points What This Means to the Rest of Us / The “So What” Factor / NO ARTIFICIAL ZINGERS!
LIT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION BODY INTRODUCTION THESIS STATEMENT Through the use of conflict, The Great Gatsby shows that people are not always willing to accept reality if it clouds their perception of their utopian lives. Fitzgerald demonstrates the power that many internal and external conflicts have on various characters, as they fail to realize their true places in the world. As a result of these people being unwilling to see the true nature of their lives, they are consumed by these idealistic visions that take over every fiber of their being. The characters who are blinded by the reality of their current situations all make rash and poorly-thought out decisions that lead to their emptiness and unhappiness. In the end, it is clear that it is important for people to be true to themselves and not to create a fantasy world that is impossible to live up to based on their unrealistic definitions of life.