Class procedures and expectations
This is my 10 th year in Georgetown and 27 th year to teach overall. (I’ve been teaching longer than you’ve been alive!) I LOVE my job. I am really GOOD at my job. I graduated from Tarleton State University and have taught juniors and seniors for most of those years. I am married and have two college aged students. My daughter is attending The University of Tulsa and majoring in Petroleum Engineering. My son is attending Texas A&M Central Texas and is majoring in accounting. My wife is a 6 th grade math teacher and may have taught some of you at Annie Purl.
You can get to my website through the EVHS homepage. Choose staff directory and find me! Make it a favorite! I don’t give second copies of worksheets or handouts, but they’re on the website. If you’re out, the assignments you missed are listed. It is free to print in the library. You can check the website there.
Vocabulary/terminology development Grammar/sentence structure development Writing style development Survey of American literature (subject to change) Short stories and poetry Novels—The Crucible, The Great Gatsby,
ADD THE FOLLOWING TO YOUR HANDOUT! Please bring one of these to donate to the class if possible: Kleenex Package of wide rule paper Package of pens/pencils Hand sanitizer Package of highlighters Band-Aids
Highlighter x 2 Pens—blue or black for writing. I do not accept work in purple, orange, red, etc. 3 each color 1--- pack #2 pencils 3--- ring binder 2 inch at least 1---pack loose leaf notebook paper page spiral notebooks 3 red pens for peer grading
High school has test and daily grades Daily grades include classwork, homework, and quizzes. These are worth 30% of your grade. Test grades include projects, tests, and major papers. These are worth 70% of your grade.
Each nine weeks counts 40% of your overall grade. Your comprehensive final counts as 20%. In high school, you MUST achieve a minimum of a 70 each semester to receive credit for the course. If you do not earn credit, you will have to repeat the entire semester in order to graduate.
I am a rule follower! All of the school rules ARE enforced in this room. In addition, I would like to emphasize the following. Rule for life: Figure out who’s in charge, and make sure he likes you. Gray matter does not exist. I see things black or white so don’t press the issue with rules.
Always be ready to learn. I am not your parent and will not baby you. Learning comes from frustration. Sleep in your bed at home. You are here to learn. Brush your hair, put on your perfume, your nail polish, etc. at home. You are here to learn. Be respectful of those around you. You are here to learn.
We are partners in your education and I take great pride in your success academically. Failure is not an option. If you don’t get it right then come to tutorials or retake the test. If you miss your appointment then don’t bother asking what can be done about your grade.
You should check the back board every day. All homework assignments for that day will be listed. Assignments will be listed on the board each day in the back of the room. Quiz and test dates will be posted in advance.
Items to submit will also be listed on the back board. At the beginning of the year, I will work with you to remember to check. As the year progresses, it will be your responsibility. All homework is to be submitted to the basket on the counter unless otherwise stated.
Your first and last name MUST be on your assignment. You are NOT KE$HA. I cannot record a grade for an assignment that doesn’t have a name. Technical problems are not an excuse for not having homework. All work must be submitted in hard copy form. I will not accept , flash drive, disc, etc.
Late work is unacceptable. Keep track of your assignments and use your time wisely. Work that is one CALENDAR day late results in a 10 point deduction. Work that is turned in the next class period will be a 20 point deduction. Work that is turned in the next class period will be a 30 point deduction. No work will be accepted after the next class period.
If you KNOW you’re going to be absent, please get assignments before leaving. The website is your friend. Please try to see me before school to pick up make up work. Except under extenuating circumstances, you will have ONE WEEK to make up any quizzes or tests you may have missed. Tests and quizzes will be made up before or after school ONLY--never during class.
An absence the class period(s) prior to a test is NOT an excuse to postpone the test. If you are in class on the day of the test, you WILL take the test.
It is imperative for you to be in class. Please take care of your personal business on your own time. (You will be counted tardy if you are not in the room when the clock in the hallway turns to show the time your class begins.) If you MUST leave class, please ask at appropriate times (During independent or group work). I will not allow you to leave the room without your planner regardless of the circumstance.
Review Questions? Then, let’s get started!