THE GREAT GATSBY Guide to creating a successful response journal
RESPONSE JOURNAL GUIDELINES Each entry must be numbered and titled with what the particular assignment is. You MUST thoroughly answer EACH part of the writing prompt or prompts. Spelling and grammar will not be graded; however, you are expected to present your entries in a formal, academic way. i.e. use proper vocabulary, legible writing, and intelligible thoughts and sentences. Each entry must be at least 6 sentences in length (unless otherwise stated). All entries MUST BE your original work. If you plagiarize from any source (or copy from any classmate), your entry will be given a ZERO. As with all outcomes in life, YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. If you put in minimal effort, you will get a minimal grade. Remember, this is going to be roughly 20% of your final grade for the fourth quarter!
JOURNALS ENTRIES 1 & 2 APRIL 25, 2016 Objective: Gain a basic understanding of some of the main characters in The Great Gatsby. Understand what life was like for wealthy socialites living during the 20s. Understand the social construction and ideologies of the wealthy during this time period. Entry 1: What are your first impressions of Nick Carraway, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan? What is your impression of life during this time period in West/East Egg? Use at least one quote from each character that impacted your opinion of the character and explain WHY you chose it. Entry 2: Summarize chapter 1 and predict what you think will happen next in the book.