Rail Road Vehicles
Rail / Road: Introduction RAIL / ROAD Currently in use: 3 units 4x2 15 units 6x4
Rail / Road: Experience RAIL / ROAD Experience up to now in general very good! Based on the experience up to now some modifications will be implemented: Rail axle front will be able to accept uneven rails Hydraulic pump + pipe connections Mounting of the Armrest with Wagonbrake ASR will be standard to minimise tyre wear Furthermore we will do some tests with an other tyre brand to compare lifetime
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD
Rail / Road RR222-4x2 RAIL / ROAD