Tempus SMGR SE-ESABIH Overview of project activities
Contractor: Kaho Sint Lieven Ghent BH partners: - 8 BH universities (University of Banja Luka, University of Bihac, University of East Sarajevo, University Dzemal Bijedic, University of Mostar, University of Sarajevo, University of Tuzla and University of Zenica - SUS B&H - Agency for development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance in BH and HEARS - Ministry of Civil Affairs BH EU partners: - 2 EU universities (IPP Porto, Brasov University), - WUS Austria - Catalunyan Accreditation Office (AQA) and the Council of Flemish University Colleges (VLHORA)
Project Duration 3 years 02/2010 – 02/2013 Project Type: Structural measures Project Grant:€ ,00
Analysis of existing situation in European higher education area related to evaluation and accreditation procedures Procedures for evaluation and accreditation Number of retrained staff in QA Number of Academic staff retrained for internal, external and accreditation procedures of study programs and number of retrained staff members of accreditation office Number of well developed Self -Evaluation Reports Code of good practice introduced on evaluation and accreditation of study programmes. Acceptance of project results by responsible Ministries and other authorities
1.1 Evaluation of present situation on evaluation and accreditation procedures and legislation in EU 1.1 Evaluation of present situation on evaluation and accreditation procedures and legislation in EU 1.2. Evaluation of present situation on evaluation and accreditation procedures and legislation in BH 1.2. Evaluation of present situation on evaluation and accreditation procedures and legislation in BH 1.3. Conference and result presentation, road map definition 1.3. Conference and result presentation, road map definition
2.1 Developing of guidelines with basic procedures for evaluation and accreditation 2.2 Development of specific questionnaires for SER 2.3 Translation of procedures into templates to be used for internal and external evaluation of study programs
3.1 Training of the quality officers for evaluation and accreditation procedures 3.1 Training of the quality officers for evaluation and accreditation procedures 3.2. Study visits to the EU partner institutions 3.2. Study visits to the EU partner institutions 3.3. Knowledge transfer to the university departments/faculties 3.3. Knowledge transfer to the university departments/faculties 3.4 Training of University staff for self evaluation procedures of study programs 3.4 Training of University staff for self evaluation procedures of study programs 3.5 Introductory seminar for external assessors 3.5 Introductory seminar for external assessors
4.2 Purchase and instalment of the equipment for participating Universities 4.2 Purchase and instalment of the equipment for participating Universities 4.3. Tuning of procedures and methods-joined work of Universities and Agency Tuning of procedures and methods-joined work of Universities and Agency. 4.4.Improvement of legislation for evaluation and accreditation procedures in BH Higher Education. 4.4.Improvement of legislation for evaluation and accreditation procedures in BH Higher Education.
5.1Pilot projects selection 5.1Pilot projects selection 5.2 Self evaluation of selected study programs in BH Universities 5.2 Self evaluation of selected study programs in BH Universities
6.1 Development of project website 6.1 Development of project website 6.2.Newsletter administration 6.2.Newsletter administration 8.1 Annual quality expert report 8.1 Annual quality expert report
9.1 Implementation of project management 9.1 Implementation of project management 9.2 Organisation of project management meetings of steering group. 9.2 Organisation of project management meetings of steering group.
First Consortium meeting: Kick-off Meeting February 2010, KaHo Sint-Lieven, Gent, Belgium Topics: Introduction and project presentation Main objectives and outcomes of the project Experience of EU partners about evaluation and accreditation procedures Experience of BH partners in evaluation and accreditation procedures Project planning Financial management
Discussion about guidelines and preparation of SER Discussion about guidelines and preparation of SER Template of SER Template of SER ESABIH equipment ESABIH equipment ESABIH website presentation ESABIH website presentation Plan of future activities ESABIH Plan of future activities ESABIH
Overview of the project activities and results of conference in Banja Luka Quality assurance in BH higher education area – current situation Proposal for standards and criteria for evaluation of study programmes in BH Discussion on proclaimed standard – Usage of this model in pilot study Workshop – roadmap: Definition of timetable of activities and dividing clear responsibilities among partners in BH and EU Workshop – Developing proposal for training of experts and QA coordinators involved in project activities
Banja Luka, Sarajevo and Mostar July 2010 110 participants from the list of external experts of the HEA Framework for external evaluation and accreditation Concepts and experiences in Quality Management In Higher education In Flanders,, The Netherlands, EU, EHEA-Prof Proposal for standards and criteria for evaluation of HE institution in BH Proposal for standards and criteria for evaluation of study programmes in BH
Place: University of Zenica, State of the arts about accreditation in Flanders, the Netherlands and EU State of the arts about accreditation in Portugal State of the arts about accreditation in BH, Criteria and standards for accreditation of study programmes Preparation of SER for study programmes Preparation of self assessment report-work in small groups
Sarajevo 82 participants mainly from workfield and representatives of students Framework for external evaluation and accreditation Concepts and experiences in Quality Management In Higher education In Flanders,, The Netherlands, EU, EHEA-Prof Proposal for standards and criteria for evaluation of HE institution in BH Proposal for standards and criteria for evaluation of study programmes in BH
East Sarajevo, X participants Presentation of the different study programes from which a self- evaluation will be written. Representatives of all study programs Position of BH agency for development of high education process and QA in evaluation of HE institutions and study programs. Connection between evaluation of study programs and institutions. Preparation of self evaluation reports as done in Flanders by VLHORA Preparation of self evaluation reports as done in KaHo Sint- Lieven Workshop using mind maps for preparing criteria 2. Preparation of writing chapters 3 6
Brasov, University of Transilvania, October 16-20, QA coordinators and members of management team-14 participants Brasov, University of Transilvania October 16-October 30, 2010-students-8 participants Presentation of the QA system at Transilvania University of Brasov Presentation of the QA system at Transilvania University of Brasov Presentation of the system (in Romania and at UTBv) Presentation of the Dept of QA, visit and meeting with the staff Visit of various Depts of UTBv Practical placement at QA offices
Ghent Hogeschool Kaho-Sint Lieven, November 14-19, 2010 QA coordinators and staff Ghent Hogeschool Kaho-Sint Lieven, November 14-28, students Presentation VLHORA, VLHORA as Quality Assessment Board, Exercise on external evaluation Presentation NVAO, NVAO assignment, NVAO as Dutch/Flemish Accreditation Board Practical placement 0f QA officers and students Practical placement 0f QA officers and students Participation in visitation process on one study program Participation in visitation process on one study program
Cooperation with students, Student involvement in Quality Management Presentation KaHo Sint-Lieven Internal Quality Management at KaHo Sint-Lieven Accreditation process engineering department – Chemistry ECTS as a basis for competence based learning External Evaluation of Study Programmes: Business Management –preparation of visitation, activities and tasks of visitation commission, public report Competence based education Visit to different departments……….
Second consortium meeting January 2011 Second consortium meeting January 2011 Retraining session January 2011 ( 8 students) and (8 QA coordinators) Retraining session January 2011 ( 8 students) and (8 QA coordinators) Guideline for preparation of self assessment and external assessment report. Procedures and instructions. Guideline for preparation of self assessment and external assessment report. Procedures and instructions. Current status of SER of selected study programs Current status of SER of selected study programs Criteria and indicators for evaluation and accreditation of study programs Criteria and indicators for evaluation and accreditation of study programs Future activities and plans…… Future activities and plans…… Practical placement of students and QA coordinators Practical placement of students and QA coordinators Introduction with QA system at IPP. Introduction with QA system at IPP.
50 participants plus trainersfrom BH and EU 50 participants plus trainersfrom BH and EU Presentation by teams of introduction to SER chapter, 3,5 and 6 Presentation by teams of introduction to SER chapter, 3,5 and 6 Expectations of a Chairman Expectations about a commission Expectations of a Chairman Expectations about a commission Templates for qualification framework. Templates for qualification framework. Expectations of secretary of the commission Expectations of secretary of the commission Preparation of self evaluation reports as done in Flanders -SWOT analysis, tables and templates chapter 2 and 4 Preparation of self evaluation reports as done in Flanders -SWOT analysis, tables and templates chapter 2 and 4
51 participants and 6 trainers 51 participants and 6 trainers Introduction part Introduction part The Self-assessment Process: Self-assessment teams, indicators, questionnaires, process The Self-assessment Process: Self-assessment teams, indicators, questionnaires, process The Self-assessment report, main criteria, how to prepare report The Self-assessment report, main criteria, how to prepare report Introduction External Assessment Process Introduction External Assessment Process External assessment process- examples in other countries, structure of commission, role of members of commission, preparation of final report External assessment process- examples in other countries, structure of commission, role of members of commission, preparation of final report Working groups Working groups
50 participants 50 participants 8 traineers 8 traineers Presentation of chapter 2 and 4 Presentation of chapter 2 and 4 Qualification framework Qualification framework Student load measurement Student load measurement Introduction to chapter 1 and 7 Introduction to chapter 1 and 7
Structure of commissions Structure of commissions 33 study programs from eight public universities 33 study programs from eight public universities Final reports Final reports
University of Banja Luka Psilogija/Psychology Šumarstvo/Forestry Fizika/Physics Rudarstvo/Mining engineering University of Bihac Ekonomija/ Economy-business economics, management and entrepreneurship Pravo/Law Tjelesni odgoj i sport/ Pedagogics-physical development and sports- Biotehn. – poljoprivreda/ Biotechnical faculty-Agriculture
University Dzemal Bijedic DL program- Faculty of information technologies- Information technologies Pravo/Law Engleski jezik/ Faculty of humanities-English language and literature Poljoprivreda/ AGROMEDITERRANEAN faculty-viniculture and fruit production University of Sarajevo Medicina/Medicine Poljoprivreda/ Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science Study Programme Fruit Production and Viticulture - Department of Plant Production El-teh. – energetika/ Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Bachelor Programme in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering. El.teh. – informatika (mr.)/ Master Programme in Electrical Engineering, Computing and Informatics Ekonomija – DL /Economics DL program
University of East Sarajevo Medicina/Medicine Kemijsko ing.i tehnologija/ Faculty of Technology-Chemical engineering and technology El.teh. – informatika/ Computer science and informatics Sociologija/Sociology University of Mostar Strojarstvo Mechanical faculty-Mechanical engineering Ekonomija/ Faculty of Economy-Business economy Poljoprivreda/ Faculty of agriculture and food technology-Agriculture Građevina/ Faculty of Civil engineering-Civil engineering
University of Tuzla Geologija/ Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering- Department of Geology El.teh. – energetika/ Faculty of electrical engineering-energetics Hemija PMF/ Natural mathematical faculty-Chemistry- Logopedija/Logopedia University of Zenica Proizvodno mašinstvo/ Mechanical engineering- management, production Pedagogija – raz.nastava/ Pedagogics -Metodology of teachings Ekonomija/ Faculty of economics- Economy management Metalurgija-kem.ing./ Faculty of metallurgy-chemical engineering
7 th Scientific-skill conference with international participation„Quality 2011“, Neum, B&H, June 1-4, 2011.DEVELOPMENT QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH USING SELF-EVALUATION AND EXTERNAL EVALUATION STUDY PLANS AND PROGRAMS The 3 rd International Conference: Institutional Strategic Quality Management - ISQM2011 July 14 – 16, 2011, Sibiu, Romania. Paper ID: XXX-ISQM2011. EDUCATIONAL STAFF’S OPINON ABOUT QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARDS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Regional conference: quality matters: quality assurance at universities in the region march 29-30, 2012 university of belgrade.
16 th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2012, Dubai, UAE, September QUALITY SYSTEM FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF BIH'S UNIVERSITIES 16 th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2012, Dubai, UAE, September Study program accreditation on technical faculties 7 th European Quality Assurance Forum, 22 – 24 November 2012 Tallinn University, Estonia. Impact of new standards on quality improvement of study programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Educational objectives Educational objectives Curriculum Curriculum Staff Staff Students Students Means and facilities Means and facilities Internal quality control Internal quality control Results achieved Results achieved
Chapter I.……..Introduction Chapter II…… Self-evaluation report Chapter III …..External Quality management A Assessment panel B Assessment visit and Public assessment visit report Chapter IV…... Accreditation procedures Appendices Tables Checklist for commission Legislation on quality management in BIH
Web site/ Web site/ Newsletter Newsletter Promotional material Promotional material Dissemination inside universities Dissemination inside universities
ESABIH Newsletter Dear project participants, We would like to inform you that ESABIH project website is completed and after long struggle to get official domain, is located on On website you can find news, all informations regarding project, files and presentations, pictures, and other QA related material and information. We would like to invite you to participate in updating website by selecting one person from each University which would post news about progress of project on that particular University. Please select person until and send request for creation of account with basic information (Name, University, contact) to after which you will receieve credentials to access web-site administraton. We would also like to invite you to participate in forum discussions, which you can find on (registration required). We are open for all your questions, critics and advices on how to improve web-site and forum, as for questions about how to use and post material to web-site for those persons who will be adding news. Best regards, SUS BiH Team
Standards and criteria developed Standards and criteria developed Trained staff for internal and external assessment procedures Trained staff for internal and external assessment procedures Improvement of legislation for evaluation and accreditation procedures in BH High education area Improvement of legislation for evaluation and accreditation procedures in BH High education area Final external reports of 33 study programs Final external reports of 33 study programs Reports will be delivered to the HEA and HEAARS Reports will be delivered to the HEA and HEAARS Accreditation of study programs Accreditation of study programs Strategic plan for improvements of study programs for next 4-5 years Strategic plan for improvements of study programs for next 4-5 years
Final public consultation on criteria and standards for accreditation of study programs Final public consultation on criteria and standards for accreditation of study programs Final draft of criteria and indicators Final draft of criteria and indicators Acceptance of project results by Agencies and Authorities Acceptance of project results by Agencies and Authorities Continuation of accreditation process of study programs in BH Continuation of accreditation process of study programs in BH