Water Turbine Thermal Engineering Lab ME-4111 Professor: Eduardo Cabrera Damian Luna Yetziel Sandoval – Alberto Gonzales – Fernando Fresse – Jaen Soto – 51080
Outline Introduction and objective definition Experimental Procedure Experimental Results Conclusion Recommendation
Introduction A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. In general, turbines can handle liquids and gases as working fluids. The present experiment results is designed to understand the basic operation of water turbines, as well as its mechanism of speed control.
Objective The Objective of the present experiment is the parameterization of the operating characterizing for several kind of water turbine.
Experimental Procedure Turbine characterization Before starting-up the pump, open the Armfield Software by clicking the icon FM3SU Turbine Service Unit; after upload click OK and specify the turbine type, check all the connection of the sensors. Select “Diagram” in menu tab. This procedure will be performed using the FM30 unit, FM31 unit, and FM32 unit: 1.Close the turbine’s throttle valve and start the pump making sure all four nozzle valves (or spear valves) are completely opened. 2.Open the throttle valve fully (100%) and allow water to circulate until all ait bubble have dispersed.
3.Tighten the tensioning screw until the turbine is almost stalled and note the value of the pulley brake. Then select 10 intervals between no force on the pulley and the maximum value noted before. 4.Slacken off the tensioning screw until no force is applied to the turbine. 5.When the measured readings are sufficiently steady, “Take Sample”. 6.Tighten the tensioning screw to the desired interval; wait for steady measurements, and “Take Sample”. 7.Repeat step (6) from Part I by increasing gradually the force until the turbine stalls. 8.Next close the throttle valve in order to decrease flow (50%) and repeat steps from (3 to 7) form Part I.
Comparison of Nozzle and throttle Valve Performance in the Axial Flow Impulse Turbine FM30. The objective of this task is to obtain the characteristic curves for a turbine operating at a range of fluid flow rates. The characteristic curves are best shown relating Torque, Brake Power, and Turbine Efficiency versus rotational speed for a given turbine running at constant fluid flow rate. This procedure uses the FM30 axial Flow impulse turbine unit. 1.With all four nozzles valves (5) fully opened, close the turbine’s throttle valve (7) and start the pump. 2.Open the throttle valve fully (100%) and allow water to circulate until all air bubbles have dispersed. 3.Tighten the tensioning screw (1) until the turbine is almost stalled and note the value of the pulley brake. Then select 8 intervals between no force on the pulley and the maximum value noted before.
4.Slacken off the tensioning screw until no force is applied to the turbine. 5.When the measured readings are sufficiently steady, “Take Sample”. 6.Tighten the tensioning screw to the desired increment, wait for steady measurements, and “Take Sample”. 7.Repeat step (3) from Part II by gradually increasing the force until the turbine stalls. 8.The following procedure is to close one of the nozzle valves. Since the pressure at the inlet will increase it is needed to close the throttle valve until the pressure drops to the previous setting (constant flowrate). 9.Repeat steps from (3 to 6) from Part II for this setting. 10.Once again close another nozzle valve and continue repeating the procedure until three of the four valves have been closed. 11.Repeat for at least three constant flow rates (100%, 75%, and 50%).
Comparison of Spear and Throttle Valve Performance in the Pelton Turbine FM32 The objective of this task is to show the difference in performance between throttle control and spear valve control of turbine speed. For the Pelton turbine, plot Brake Power versus Turbine speed for at least three constant flow rates (100%, 75%, and 50%). This procedure uses the FM32 Pelton Turbine as follow: 1.With the spear valve (3) fully open (100%), close the throttle valve and start the pump. 2.Open the throttle valve fully (100%) and allow water to circulate until all air bubbles have dispersed.
3.Tighten the tensioning screw (12) until the turbine is stopped completely and note the value of the pulley brake. Then select intervals between no force on the pulley and the maximum value noted before. 4.Slacken off the tensioning screw until no force is applied to the turbine. 5.When the measured readings are sufficiently steady, “Take Sample”. 6.Tighten the tensioning screw to the desired increment, wait for steady measurements, and “Take Sample”. 7.Repeat step (6) form Part III by gradually increasing force until turbine stops. 8.Partially close the spear valve down to 75% (and later to 50%). 9.Repeat steps from (iii to vii) form Part III for this new setting.
Results Pelton Trubine Spear Valve Table Full Open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Pelton Trubine Spear valve Table 75% open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Pelton Trubine Spear valve Table 50% open Sample Number Orifice Differential Pressure dPo (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P1 (kPa) Turbine Speed n (Hz) Brake Force Fb (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient Cd Volume Flowrate Qv (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power Ph (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power Pb (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Pelton Trubine Throttle Valve Table Full Open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Pelton Trubine Throttle Valve Table 75% Open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Pelton Trubine Throttle valve Table 50% open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Axial Turbine Table Q=0.06 m 3 /s One Nozzel Close Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Axial Turbine Table Q=0.06 dm 3 /s Two Nozzel Close Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Axial Turbine Table Q=0.06 dm^3/s All nozzel open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Radial Valve Table 100% open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%)
Results Radial Valve Table 50% open Obs. Orifice Differential Pressure dP o (kPa) Turbine Inlet Pressure P 1 (kPa) Turbine Speed h (Hz) Brake Force F b (N) Orifice Discharge Coefficient C d Volume Flowrate Q v (dm³/s) Turbine Head Hi (m) Hydraulic Power P h (W) Torque T (Nm) Brake Power P b (W) Overall Efficiency Egr (%) 2\ #VALUE! #VALUE!
Table 5.3 Hydraulic Power Calculation FM30 Obs. Orifice differential Pressure dPo (kPa) Turbine inlet pressure P1- Patm (kPa) Discharge flow rate (m^3/s) Turbine Head H=(P1-Patm)/ρg Hydraulic Power Ph=ρgQH
Results Table 5.4 Brake Power Calculation FM30 Obs. Breaking Force on Turbine Fb (N) Torque T=Fb*r (Nm) Rotational speed of turbine (RPM) Brake Power Pb=2π*N*T (W) Turbine Efficiency %
Results Table 5.3 Hydraulic Power Calculation FM31 Obs. Orifice differential Pressure dPo (kPa) Turbine inlet pressure P1- Patm (kPa) Discharge flow rate (m^3/s) Turbine Head H=(P1-Patm)/ρg Hydraulic Power Ph=ρgQH
Results Table 5.4 Brake Power Calculation FM31 Obs. Breaking Force on Turbine Fb (N) Torque T=Fb*r (Nm) Rotational speed of turbine (RPM) Brake Power Pb=2π*N*T (W) Turbine Efficiency %
Conclusion For the experiment results we learned the operating characteristics of several kinds of water turbines as they behave at different points. The main purposes for this experiment was to obtain the graphs that could show the relation between Torque, Brake Power, and Turbine Efficiency vs. Rotational Speed.
Recommendations It is recommended to express values in exponential terms in order to avoid excess of decimal places on graphs. Flow must remain constant for adequate data collection, this has to be verified at all moments. Verify at all moment that the required power remains constant. Take more than the required sample quantity for more flexible readings.