H OT TUB AND SPA REVIEWS Ways on how you can save money and energy using your hot tubs
If you’ve been looking to purchase a hot tub, you’ve probably been trying to do a lot of research as to what might be the best buy, which you should be. Making a wise hot tub purchase is very important since they are one the most electrically demanding appliance on the home owners market. Hot tubs typically operate on centrifugal or hydraulic water pump to push water through the internal tubing. The tubing takes water to be filtered, heated and also mixed with air before being pushed back into the tub. For a more energy efficient model dual pumps are used, one for the massage cycles and a smaller one for the cleaning and heating cycles when portable spa is not in use. The air/water mixture is to create a more robust hot tub experience.portable spa This is done sometimes with an air pump however the operational efficiency of this design is questionable. An additional pump just for air requires more energy and can sometimes complicate the other operations of the hot tub. A better method which is just as effective and much more energy efficient would be the use of a Venturi air injector.
This is a small piece of tubing which increases water pressure by narrowing the tubing, as the water passes over an inlet it creates a vacuum and pulls air into the water with it, no moving parts necessary. It is important that the air inlet takes air from the heating compartment to make use of the heated air and to keep the water from being cooled by exterior temperatures. Even though outdoor spa hot tub are covered and not used 95% of the time this is when they use 75% of their energy. Having dual, different size pumps for the different speeds might cost more off the bat but will save you in the long run. It is estimated that on average, hot tubs use 2,514 kWh per year.spa hot tub At 10 cents per kWh that’s $250 to power the hot tub alone, not including your chemicals and other electricity. Some other key factors in keeping your hot tub running efficiently are the insulation and cover. Hot tubs should have six inches of ridged foam insulation and should have the pump and heating element enclosed in this insulation to keep the energy that is created from escaping and putting it to good use by keeping the tub heated. Your hot tub cover should be of the highest R rating you can find.
Look for manufacturers that offered extended warranties on the cover. Should your hot tub cover become water logged, the chemicals in the water will start to eat away at it and it should be replaced ASAP. Applied computer controls will give you more control in regulation of the hot tub cleaning cycles and overall usage according to your usage and preferences. To start comparing hot tub models, designs and manufacturers in a large variety, or to continue other research about hot tubs, check out chooshottubsdirect.com where telephone and chat experts can help answer any questions you might have.