RCSLT STUDENT DAY Sheffield April 2014 Bryony Simpson Chair of RCSLT Council
Tired?Anxious about the future? Enthused Made new contacts Shared ideas RCSLT ambassadors
Introductions … Chair of Council Council & Boards at RCSLT Councillors and Officers Staff teams
It is the only professional body for SLTs - speaks for us with government etc It is the ambassador for our working practices and standards…which in turn supports people with communication difficulties It is our professional network - sharing best practice It is where we can record and reflect on our ‘continuous professional development’ (CPD) via online diary….HPC requirement Why is RCSLT so important to you and me?
RCSLT and HCPC RCSLT Professional Body Supports patients and practitioners Member-led, responds to government policy Holds the body of knowledge for the SLT profession HCPC Regulatory Body Protects the public Operates in line with legislation – Health Professions Order Sets threshold standards of proficiency for Health professions
Offices in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Member-led organisation: members “oversee” all the work of RCSLT (governance function through the Boards and Council) We can only survive through our members ‘owning’ RCSLT Collaborative working with the staff at RCSLT : Directors and Teams, led by our CEO What does RCSLT look like?
Chief Executive Officer- KAMINI Director of Performance & Contracts Responsible for: Contracts HR IT Performance management Events and Marketing Manager Responsible for: RCSLT events External events Marketing Conference facilities hire Director of Policy & Public Affairs Responsible for: Country & UK policy promotion Policy advice & formulation R&D Head of Professional Development Responsible for: Training & development Projects Professional standards E-learning Research Webinars CPD Membership & Communication Policy & Public Affairs Professional Development & Standards Finance, Organisation & Resources Communications Manager Responsible for: Publications Website Social media Public relations Head of Finance Responsible for: Finance Membership Senior Management Team COUNCIL
Raise the profile of Speech and Language Therapy in Governments across the UK Inform and influence politicians and decision makers about communication difficulties and the impact these have on peoples’ lives Provide the evidence to show why this should influence the development of national policy Work in partnership with other organisations who share our vision Our Policy Work aims to:
Organising events: the RCSLT Conference in Leeds, September 2014 Publications: Monthly ‘Bulletin’; Starting your career as a Speech and Language Therapist - an essential guide Support for CPD: online diary New website and on-line resources Coordinating the Giving Voice campaign enabling members to campaign locally on local issues for SLT service Supporting Members
some examples… Advertising pre registration programmes on RCSLT web pages and giving unbiased advice to enquirers wanting to study speech and language therapy Annual visit to HEI Courses by RCSLT officers or RCSLT Board/Council members to meet with staff and students Development of Curriculum Guidance to support courses in meeting HPC standards of education and training Professional Standards work for members
“To represent speech and language therapists and support workers to promote excellence in practice and influence health, education and social care policies.” “We will encourage the provision of effective services for people who need support with their speech, language communication or swallowing.” “We will ensure that the needs of those who need support with their speech, language communication or swallowing, their carers and families are reflected in Government’s policy and service provision.” Corporate aims RCSLT Mission statement Strategic Plan: