61 patients tot 26 patients Both 12 patients After Radiotherapy 23 patients After surgery Patients Relapsed Characteristics
20 patients tot 3 patients Mediastinal lymphonodes 3 patients Para-aortic lymphonodes 14 patients Pelvic Lymphonodes Sites of Lymphonodes relapse
TREATMENT PLANNING PTV delineated on PET plus 3 mm margins Dose prescribed to 90% isodose - IMAT optimization - 70 Gy in 35 fractions (12 patients) Gy in 5 fractions (8 patients) TREATMENT DELIVERY 6 MEV linac Multiple coplanar and no coplanar arcs Dynamic micromultileaf 5 mm Set-up controlled by Cone-Beam CT before each treatment on enlarged nodes images
Range PSA median value 1.12 PET scan negative in 27 ptz (45%) Range PSA median value 7.39 PET scan positive in 34 ptz (55%)
PSA value= 5.65 PET choline before treatment PSA value= 1.47 CT 60 dy after treatment Prescribed dose 32.5 Gy in 5 fractions CBCT and on-line correction
12 patients TOT 1 patientsPSA value unchanged 11 patients PSA value fallen to precurrence values PSA evaluable after radiotherapy (12 ptz)