Numbers 13-27, provide the PRIMARY muscle group being used for each exercise. a. Abdominals b. Latissimus dorsi c. Deltoids d. Trapezius f. Gastrocnemius g. Gluteal h. Biceps femoris j. Quadriceps j. Biceps h. Triceps g. Pectorals f. Rhomboids d. Oblique’s c. Lower Back (erector spinae) b. IT Band a. Metacarpal
Questions 16-30, identify the exercise name below with the proper picture. Triceps pushdowns Barbell curl Shoulder shrugs Leg curls Leg extensions Deadlifts Russian twist DB shoulder press Hyperextensions Squats Lat pulldown Flat bench press Skull crushers DB flyes
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Use the following information to answer questions st warm-up set50% of 1RM x nd warm-up set60% of 1RM x 8 3rd warm-up set65% of 1RM x 6 1st set of workout77% of 1RM 2 sets x 6 2nd set of workout83% of 1RM 2 sets x 5 3rd set of workout85-88% of 1RM 2 sets x 5 1st warm-up set50% of 1RM x nd warm-up set60% of 1RM x rd warm-up set65% of 1RM x Workout4 sets x 75-78% of 1RM x 8 reps 1st warm-up set50% of 1RM x nd warm-up set60% of 1RM x rd warm-up set65% of 1RM x Workout5 sets x % of 1RM x reps if can lift 15 reps all sets, then add 3-5%
Make the following a hypertrophy workout using the above information. Barbell Flat Bench press 185 1RM Dumbbell bench press 50 1RM
Create a strength workout using three exercises based on the above information. 1RM squat = 225 1RM deadlift = 185 1RM leg press = 275
Using the above information, make the following an endurance workout. Lat Pulldown= 150 1RM Tbar = 110 = 1RM Bent over cable rows = 150 1RM
Calculate total volume for questions
A. Abdominals b. Latissimus dorsi c. Deltoids d. Trapezius e. Gastrocnemius f. Gluteal g. Biceps femoris h. Quadriceps i. Biceps j. Triceps k. Pectorals l. Rhomboids m. Oblique’s n. Lower Back (erector spinae)
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