Internet safety A parent's guide to keeping children safe online
Do you really know who your child is chatting with? Parents assume that their children are engaging in friendly conversation with others they know and trust. It might surprise you to know that in some cases, even children DON'T KNOW who they're talking to.
Know the dangers The characteristics of an internet predator might surprise you: age range is years well educated married crosses socio-economic boundaries is gainfully employed has varied level of computer knowledge Retrieved from Educ ISafe ppt. on 7/30/10 Retrieved from Educ ISafe ppt. presented on 7/29/10
Communication Communication is perhaps the most effective tool parents can use to help children avoid the perils on the internet. Agree to have an Internet Safety Pledge. Be sure to review it often!Internet Safety Pledge
Keep your child safe There are several things you can do to protect your child safe on the internet: Keep computer in an open area, such as the living room or family room Know that children websites are not allowed to request personal information without parental consent Be aware of who your child is communicating with Talk to children about NEVER meeting someone they first met online Look into any safeguarding options that your online service provider may offer
Keep your child safe Let children know that they are not at fault and can talk an adult they trust if they feel uncomfortable about something they find online Report any suspicious activities to the local authorities and forward to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's Cybertipline so it may be investigatedCybertipline
Awareness is your child's best defense!
References Tips provided in this presentation were derived from: