Kite Flight! An Educational Transfer Plan Deborah Frazier
ETP Applications Appropriate for any math, general science, or physics course Involves team work, problem solving, and creative thinking Addressed Board Standards: Knowledge of Mathematics, Ways of Thinking Mathematically, Assessment, Families & Communities, Contributing to Professional Community
Project Overview Research kite history & aerodynamics (webquest) Design a kite Test kite with an online simulation Construct kite Test kite stability and one flight variable, using fans and spring scales Fly kite
Hidden Agenda * what employers & colleges want IISME taught me this! Help socialize group Teach team management & communication skills* Practice problem solving* Involve parents & community Practice interdisciplinary skills / show connections (science – english – math – art)* Take a break from lecture!
Things to consider for a classroom ETP (that help this project work) Scaffolding!!! Plenty of checkpoints Many resources Group member contracts / roles Work is familiar (modeled after science labs & math practice) Fun & functional
What the ETP taught me… My kids rock! Kids are not well practiced in: oInternet Searching Techniques oUse of citations and bibliographies oNOT plagiarizing Adults (and Mentors) love getting involved with the planning process! Sometimes their ideas make a huge impact! Kids have great ideas for improving projects!
Where Can I Find Kite Flight? NASA Website! gov/main/maeronautics.html My school website debbie_frazier/Web/ Geometry.html/ Need help? Happy to!