Welcome to ELED 437! Teaching Elementary School Science Dr. Greg Kniseley
Goals for First Class 1. To get to know each other. 2. To confront prior knowledge, experience, and attitudes. 3. To identify mutual goals, commitment, and needs for teaching and learning. 4. To introduce the course syllabus.
Pre-Assessment Purpose: Diagnostic; To confront prior knowledge, experience, and attitudes/beliefs about teaching and learning science; to set goals for teaching and learning Types of Pre-Assessments External Source: External Source: Academic Record - Transcript Academic Record - Transcript Internal Source: Internal Source: Drawing and Writing Drawing and Writing Rating Scale Rating Scale Graphing Graphing Speaking Speaking Inventory/Questionnaire Inventory/Questionnaire
What Do We Think ? - Nature of Science - Teaching science - Learning science
Drawings and Writing 1. To understand beliefs about the teaching science, and learning science 2. To confront attitudes towards science Who are scientists? How do they work? 3. To understand perceptions of learning science in and out of school
Academic Record Purpose: To determine prior academic record Transcript Review Admission into ELED Program GPA - Undergrads-2.5 or better) Science Content Knowledge -Two Laboratory Based Science Courses in Different Areas Professional Courses -CEP 215/315 (C or higher) -ELED 300 (B- or better)
Inventory 1. To reflect on your abilities and viewpoints. 2. To become aware of other class members abilities and viewpoints 3. To identify strengths and weaknesses
Speaking Early Recollections 1. To get to know each other 2. To identify influences in our lives that affect our attitudes, level of comfort, and confidence in learning science
Questionnaire 1. To share with your instructor contact information, academic record, experience, questions, concerns, and needs 2. To practice using WebCT Assignments
Components 1. Assignments Course Requirements Readings 2. Class Meetings at RIC (21 classes) Instruction-Theory, Methods, Materials Instruction-Theory, Methods, Materials Planning and Reflection Planning and Reflection Assessment (First and Last Class) Assessment (First and Last Class) 3. Practicum (9 Classes) Classroom Observation - Practical Teaching Classroom Observation - Practical Teaching Team Conferences with Clinical Instructor Team Conferences with Clinical Instructor Reflections on Teaching and Learning Reflections on Teaching and Learning Feedback to Learners in Scientist Notebooks Feedback to Learners in Scientist Notebooks Science Report Cards for Learners Science Report Cards for Learners
Syllabus 1. Required Reading 2. Requirements 3. Schedule 4. WebCT 5. Materials
Materials 1. Access to Internet 2. Hardware: Computer, Printer 3. Software: Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader 4. Peripherals: Digital Camera, Scanner, Flash Drive 5. Timer 6. Chart Paper
Benefits of WebCT Encourages instructor’s and students’ use of instructional technology - Submit assignments electronically - Word, Excel, PowerPoint - Digital photography Creates an electronic community of learners - Mail and Discussion - Class Photos Provides central location for information - Syllabus - Class Handouts and Urls - Assignments
How Can We Find Out? - Nature of Science - Teaching science - Learning science