MRS GRAY'S MATERNITY Thursday 17th March 2016
VISION I believe all children should have access to the best education that can be provided. This means a consistent teacher who knows the children, dialogue between home and school, and support or extension for children.
PLAN With this in mind, I have made the decision that class 4 will be split. The year 5s will work in class 5 with Mrs Patterson and Mrs Connolly. The year 4s will work with the other year 4s with Mrs Harding.
REASONING There are many reasons for my decision: The most important is that it is almost impossible to get good short term teacher supply - I am sure you all remember what it was like to have a supply teacher at school! This will mean consistency for the children.
The year 5 children will have the experience of the year 6 teachers this year. This will get them prepared for next year. The year 4 children will have the opportunity to mix with each other again and have a good, consistent, enthusiastic teacher. Both classes have made good progress over the year.
We will share the class 4 LSA support to both classes who will use it to support or extend children.
YEAR 6 The year 6s will have transition work to be doing and in year 6, the rest of the year is usually spent developing children's independence. They will also have some time for enrichment activities.
TIMING Mrs Gray will be going on maternity on Friday 6th May. The next week is year 6 SATs week, therefore class 4 will be split the week after that.
NEXT YEAR At the moment, I have not finalised the details of which teacher will be teaching which class. If I possibly can, I will make the year 6 class their own class again. I feel this has been of real benefit to the year 6s this year.
ANY QUESTIONS? Please see minutes from meeting for questions & answers.