3 #AXUGFocus Provide a fast and efficient way to register financial transactions, manage relationships between subsidiaries and the parent organization, and manage internal cost accounting. Gain financial insight, help control expenditures, and support the enforcement of accounting policies and rules. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
4 #AXUGFocus General Ledger Cash & Bank Management Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets FINANCIAL ELEMENTS IN AX
5 #AXUGFocus Manage accounting periods and use a reliable year-end procedure including a closing sheet Multiple configurable journals with approval capability Extensive posting control system Handle multi-currency and exchange adjustment Multiple structured budget Extensive and flexible tax module feature Book transactions across companies Cash flow forecasting and currency requirement calculation allows projection of future transactions based on commitments Consolidate either online or through data exports and imports between companies Redistribute amounts automatically, according to predefined setups of accounts, dimensions and percentages GENERAL LEDGER
6 #AXUGFocus Can create various bank groups from different branches having the same identity Monitoring deposits, payments and bank balances Bank reconciliation allows the user to match bank statements with ledger accounts of banks that are in the system Supports the import and export of payment files to financial institutions in several countries Functionality is spread across accounts receivable, accounts payable and bank management CASH & BANK MANAGEMENT
7 #AXUGFocus Monitor credit checks Flexible terms of payment, including advanced payment schedules and cash discounts Free text invoicing (non stock invoicing) Advanced collection letter and interest calculation Payment journal with payment proposal features Multiple currency handling and exchange rate adjustment ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE
8 #AXUGFocus Flexible terms of payment, including advanced payment schedules and cash discounts Multiple invoice entry options, such as separate handling of approved and unapproved invoices, and matching invoices to physical deliveries Payment journal with payment proposal features Multi-currency handling and exchange rate adjustment ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
9 #AXUGFocus Manages the full life cycle from acquisition, depreciation to disposition Multiple depreciation methods Maintains asset status information Integrated to purchasing and inventory functionality Manages both financial and non-financial information about assets. FIXED ASSETS
11 #AXUGFocus Organization hierarchies represent the relationships between the organizations that make up your business, and are created for a purpose that may not reflect the actual legal structure of the business. ORGANIZATION HIERARCHIES
12 #AXUGFocus Two main classifications: Legal entities A legal entity is an organization that has a registered or legislated legal structure. Legal entities can enter into legal contracts and are required to prepare statements that report on their performance. Operating units An operating unit is an organization that is used to divide the control of economic resources and operational processes in a business. People in an operating unit have a duty to maximize the use of scarce resources, improve processes, and account for their performance. ORGANIZATION TYPES
14 #AXUGFocus Can be used for: Centralized customer payments and vendor payments Policies Organization charts Data access Retail channel management Budget planning Project management ORGANIZATION HIERARCHIES
16 #AXUGFocus CPE Credit Code: 53C2 Complete Surveys FINAL REMINDERS
17 #AXUGFocus John Wainwright Columbus Global SPEAKER CONTACT INFO