Spider nevus It is also called a spider angioma or a Nevus areneus. These are common acquired vascular lesions present in over 1O% of healthy adults. They are typically occur in the distribution of the superior vena cava, that is the face, neck, upper chest & upper arms. During pregnancy, they often occur & spontaneously resolve postpartum. Treatment is either with electrodessication or laser. Causes of spider Oral contraceptive liver disease Spider nevi are not associated with prematurely, although they are more common in children & women.
Spider nevus
Ataxia telengiectasia Louis Bar syndrome It is a rare neurodegenerative inherited disease (autosomal recessive fashion due to mutation in the ATM gene). A-T affects many parts of the body: 1. It impairs certain areas of the brain cerebellum causing difficulty with movement & coordination. The patient appears as if drunken when walking 2. Oculocutaneous telengiectasia. The patient develop difficulty in moving the eyes in a natural manner. 3. It weakens the immune system causing a predisposition to recurrent sinusitis & pulmonary infections. 4. It prevents repair of broken DNA increasing the risk of cancer 5. Hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation 6. Increase risk of malignancy especially lymphoma & leukemia 7. Thymic hypoplasia There is no specific treatment for A-T, most patients die as young adults from infection or malignancy.
Ataxia telangiectasia
Chromosomal breakage syndrome OR DNA repair disorders Chromosomal instability can occur when the DNA damage response & repair process fails resulting in syndromes characterized by growth abnormalities, hemopoeitic defect, mutagen sensitivity & cancer production. Chromosomal breakage syndrome can be seen Ataxia Xeroderma Fanconi’s Nijmegen breakage Bloom Cockayne Trichothiodystrophy