Interesting Information North America
Tallest Building - One World Trade Center (NY, NY) 1,776 ft - Tallest building in North America trade-center/
One World Tower – New York City, New York 4th tallest in the world and tallest in North America and the Western Hemisphere
The U.S. is the wealthiest country in N.A. and the world.wor.
Poorest country in N. America (and the Western Hemisphere)... Haiti Appreciate what you have and develop empathy for those who are less fortunate!
Five poorest countries (states) in North America (GDP per capita income): 1. Haiti 2. Nicaragua 3. Honduras 4. Guatemala 5. El Salvador Most are located in ???? It didn’t help that Haiti had a 7.0 earthquake in 2012 that killed over 300,000 people and destroyed thousands of homes and buildings. Haiti
Subsistence farming – farming intended to provide for the basic needs of the farmer, with little surplus for marketing. Nicaragua Haiti Nicaragua Honduras Haitian economy is still based on subsistence farming.
Largest Country (area) - Canada (3,855,102 sq. miles)
Largest City (population) - Mexico City, Mexico (about 20 million metro.) - about 10th largest in the world, Tokyo, Japan is #1.
Largest Country (pop.) - USA (316 million) 2013 est. How do we know this?... census and demographic estimates