हमारी विविधता ನಮ್ಮ ವೈವಿಧ್ಯತೆ आमच्या विविधता અંકિતા ਪਾਂਡੇ Source of map:
Our languages Census of India, 1961: 1652 languages Census of India, 2001: 122 languages (with more than 10K speakers) People’s Linguistic Survey of India, 2013: more than 780 languages Ethnologue, 2015: about 461 languages
India and other countries Top 10 countries (Population) Top 10 countries (Area)
Is India more diverse than others? India: Seven language families and more than 25 scripts. Two major families have 69% languages. 22 official languages (national level) and about 50 official languages (states) Nigeria: Four language families and Roman script. Two major families have 97% languages. Indonesia: Nineteen language families and Roman script. Two major families have 81% languages.