Voluntary Action & Ageing in Ireland, north & south Dr Nick Acheson, University of Ulster
What this presentation will cover The background to the research and how it was done The background to the research and how it was done Comparisons of voluntary action among and on behalf of older people in the 2 Irelands Comparisons of voluntary action among and on behalf of older people in the 2 Irelands How relations between government and the voluntary sector are structured; How relations between government and the voluntary sector are structured; Handling older people’s issues in these structures and the political influence of older people’s organizations Handling older people’s issues in these structures and the political influence of older people’s organizations
The research Funded by the Third Sector Research Programme administered by the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin; Funded by the Third Sector Research Programme administered by the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin; Documentary research; Documentary research; Surveys north and south Surveys north and south Interviews with a sample of key figures north and south Interviews with a sample of key figures north and south Fieldwork in the south completed 2006, in the north, Fieldwork in the south completed 2006, in the north, 2007.
The “age sector” in NI Evidence from the CAP survey – 1306 organizations, 375 respondents, a 28.85% response rate; Evidence from the CAP survey – 1306 organizations, 375 respondents, a 28.85% response rate; A separate survey of 202 organizations -55 respondents, a 27% response rate – repeating a survey done in RoI; A separate survey of 202 organizations -55 respondents, a 27% response rate – repeating a survey done in RoI; Documentary evidence; Documentary evidence; interviews interviews
Percentage of new voluntary organizations in Northern Ireland concerned with older people before 1970 and by decade since 1970
membership Most respondents (71.8%) said their membership was entirely or mostly made up of women; Most respondents (71.8%) said their membership was entirely or mostly made up of women; Almost three quarters (74.8%) said most of their members were over the age of 60; Almost three quarters (74.8%) said most of their members were over the age of 60; The most common number of members was 40 - approximately 52,000 people for the entire sample of 1306; The most common number of members was 40 - approximately 52,000 people for the entire sample of 1306; Total estimate of numbers of old people involved - 70,000 about 25% of all pensioners Total estimate of numbers of old people involved - 70,000 about 25% of all pensioners
Distribution of incomes among older people’s voluntary organizations in Northern Ireland 2006/2007
Reported funding sources among voluntary organizations in NI addressing the needs of older people
Hours per annum of paid staff and volunteers in older people’s voluntary organizations in Northern Ireland
Perceptions of influence
Key similarities north and south Density has grown markedly from the 1990s; denser in NI than RoI. Density has grown markedly from the 1990s; denser in NI than RoI. Over half the organizations are small in financial size (half less than £2,000 in Northern Ireland, half less than €5,000 in the Republic). The income distribution is broadly similar. Over half the organizations are small in financial size (half less than £2,000 in Northern Ireland, half less than €5,000 in the Republic). The income distribution is broadly similar. Health services are a significant funder: less than half in the north, more than half in the south. Health services are a significant funder: less than half in the north, more than half in the south. The proportion without staff is almost identical: 73% in the Republic, 73.5% in Northern Ireland. The proportion without staff is almost identical: 73% in the Republic, 73.5% in Northern Ireland.
Summary comparisons in voluntary action and ageing in Ireland, north and south
Structure of voluntary action and ageing north and south Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland Regional Regional Age Concern NI Age Concern NI Help the Aged Help the Aged Northern Ireland Pensioners’ Convention Northern Ireland Pensioners’ Convention Age Sector Reference Group Age Sector Reference Group Sub-regional Sub-regional 9 networks + 6 large Age Concern groups 9 networks + 6 large Age Concern groups Local Local Estimated c2,000 local groups involving c70,000 people Estimated c2,000 local groups involving c70,000 people National National Age Action Ireland Age Action Ireland Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament Irish Association of Older People Irish Association of Older People National Federation of Pensioners’ Associations National Federation of Pensioners’ Associations Sub-regional Sub-regional None None Local Local No estimates of total numbers. c90,000 people in groups affiliated to the Parliament No estimates of total numbers. c90,000 people in groups affiliated to the Parliament
Socially pervasive, but politically weak? Tens of thousands of older people are reached by voluntary organizations; Tens of thousands of older people are reached by voluntary organizations; These are typically local, small, poorly networked and focused on recreational activities; These are typically local, small, poorly networked and focused on recreational activities; In the South, national organizations are relatively poorly resourced; In the South, national organizations are relatively poorly resourced; In the South, pensioners were one of the groups who became relatively worse off during the Celtic tiger years; In the South, pensioners were one of the groups who became relatively worse off during the Celtic tiger years; In the North, there is a well-developed infrastructure at regional level well integrated into parts of the government apparatus; In the North, there is a well-developed infrastructure at regional level well integrated into parts of the government apparatus; Powerless to impact at budgetary and taxation matters decided at UK level; Powerless to impact at budgetary and taxation matters decided at UK level; Have also proved to be unable to influence substantially the delivery of health & social care. Have also proved to be unable to influence substantially the delivery of health & social care.
A typology of government voluntary sector engagement on older people’s issues in Ireland, north and south
Insider and outsider groups Insider groups: Insider groups: Seek to exercise ‘voice’ and influence policy through a seat at the table; Seek to exercise ‘voice’ and influence policy through a seat at the table; The more opportunities there are for groups to move inside, the more they are likely to do so. The more opportunities there are for groups to move inside, the more they are likely to do so. Outsider groups: Outsider groups: Seek to influence policy through exerting disruptive pressure from the outside. Seek to influence policy through exerting disruptive pressure from the outside. May be outside through deliberate decision, or because they have not been invited in. May be outside through deliberate decision, or because they have not been invited in.
Insider strategies Benefits? Risks? Exercising voice Exercising voice Influence policy Influence policy Use information Use information Seat at the table Seat at the table Smaller groups overlooked Smaller groups overlooked Might be ignored anyway Might be ignored anyway Only influence at the margins Only influence at the margins Loss of independence Loss of independence Buy in to policies you might want to disagree with later Buy in to policies you might want to disagree with later Being a ‘peripheral insider’ Being a ‘peripheral insider’
politicians set agenda (Electorate) Devise Policy (Stakeholders) Implement Policy (Govt agencies & Local authorities) Deliver Services (Public, private & non-profit) Evaluate Services (technical appraisal & public opinion) Governance model Voluntary groups treated differently depending on the stage of the governance process; Voluntary groups treated differently depending on the stage of the governance process; Insider groups can be at the table where policy is devised but when it comes to delivering services they may be seen as sub-contractors to the state; Insider groups can be at the table where policy is devised but when it comes to delivering services they may be seen as sub-contractors to the state; Outsider groups will seek to intervene in the last bubble, sometimes short-circuiting the entire process. Outsider groups will seek to intervene in the last bubble, sometimes short-circuiting the entire process.