Week 3-Part I-Your Personality and Your Major Pages 15-19
Part 1-Your Personality and Your Major Activity-Write five criteria that you think makes up your personality- 5 pts Is it? Sense of humor Ambition Being pessimistic Being optimistic Being an irritable person Being emotional
Why is Personality so Useful for Choosing a Major? Same personality tend to associate together in social setting, work and classroom Personality predicts how well your skills will match the work demands Personality predicts how well you will fit in Personality predicts your job satisfaction Personality predicts how productive you will be
Aspects of Personality that are Important when Choosing Education and Career Very important to compare your personality to the major that fits Fortunately there are 6 personality types that we will use They are RIASEC Very important to go over each one and start thinking about the one that best describes your personality This is key to deciding your personality
Holland’s Codes of Personality
RIASEC Personality Types R=Realistic- Pages People are usually assertive and competitive, and are interested in activities requiring motor coordination, skill and strength. People with a realistic orientation usually prefer to work a problem through by doing something, rather than talking about it, or sitting and thinking about it. They like concrete approaches to problem solving, rather than abstract theory. They tend to be interested in scientific or mechanical rather than cultural and aesthetic areas. They like to work with THINGS.
Investigative Investigative people like to think and observe rather than act, to organize and understand information rather than to persuade. They tend to prefer individual rather than people oriented activities. They like to work with DATA.
Artistic Artistic people are usually creative, open, inventive, original, perceptive, sensitive, independent and emotional. They do not like structure and rules, like tasks involving people or physical skills, and are more likely to express their emotions than others. They like to think, organize and understand artistic and cultural areas. They like to work with IDEAS and THINGS.
Social Social people seem to satisfy their needs in teaching or helping situations. They are different than R and I Types because they are drawn more to seek close relationships with other people and are less apt to want to be really intellectual or physical. They like to work with PEOPLE.
Enterprising Enterprising people are good talkers, and use this skill to lead or persuade others. They also value reputation, power, money and status, and will usually go after it. They like to work with PEOPLE and DATA. The E type usually has leadership and speaking abilities, is interested in economics and politics and likes to be influential. The E type likes to work with people and ideas more than things.
Holland’s Code We are one dominant type but may have aspects of one or two more adjacent personality types Personality types directly opposite each other have very little in common Many people with “R” or “C” do not attend college-technical degrees or physical labor College is more suited with “I, A, S, E” personality types Of the 57 majors listed only ONE has “R” as its’ first personality type “I” personality types more geared to graduate school Many jobs have R and C as their second personality type and these are jobs that require a college degree
Holland’s Code Cont. Many jobs have 2 or 3 personality types When this occurs you must look at the work tasks and skills required to see if that job is a good fit for you Activity-Do Linking personalities to majors is not 100% Do NOT use an assessment as your final word on choosing a major Use other avenues like shadowing, information interviews, talking to alumni, volunteer, internships, etc.
Conventional Conventional people like rules and regulations and emphasize self-control. They like structure and order, and dislike unstructured or unclear work and interpersonal situations. They place value on reputation, power, or status. They like to work with DATA.