Scenario 8 Traverse Communications Dave Israel NASA/GSFC
Scenario 12 – comments form Dave Israel It is true that scenario 12 is what you want, but scenario 12 includes the scenario 8 comm concepts. Key items of note for scenario 12 are: - no lunar relay satellite until several years after human lunar return - the portable comm terminal is the critical element for the comm infrastructure Data rates and contact times have not been specified yet. Dave Israel
Lunar South Pole DTE Coverage Far side each ring is 0.5° in latitude (~15 km) metric name lunar south pole outer most ring is -83° latitude (~212 km from the south pole) assumed mask Earth metric range metric unit lunar cycle (27.32 days) Source: Charles Lee, JPL
Phase 1 Exploration Communications Communications Paths LER – EVA Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN LER – LER Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC Motion imagery via WLAN, LRS, or Earth File transfers LER – Altair / Outpost Voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC while in range Motion imagery via Surface Wireless, LRS, or Earth while in range File transfers LER – MCC Voice/Motion Imagery Exploration within 100km of initial polar base location < 20 km Communication System Requirements LER Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band) Altair / Outpost Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band
Phase 2 Exploration Communications Communications Paths LER – EVA Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN LER – LER Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC Motion imagery via WLAN, LRS, or Earth File transfers LER – Altair / Outpost Voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC while in range Motion imagery via Surface Wireless, LRS, or Earth while in range File transfers LER – MCC Voice/Motion Imagery Extended range exploration up to 1,000 km & 14 days from base Communication System Requirements LER Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band) Altair / Outpost Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band
Phase 3 Exploration Communications Communications Paths LER – EVA Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN LER – LER Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC Motion imagery via WLAN, LRS, or Earth File transfers LER – Altair / Outpost Voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC while in range Motion imagery via Surface Wireless, LRS, or Earth while in range File transfers LER – MCC Voice/Motion Imagery Extended range and duration exploration up to 1,000 km & 15+ days from base Communication System Requirements LER Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band) Altair / Outpost Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band
Phase 4 Exploration Communications Communications Paths LER – EVA Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN LER – LER Continuous voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC Motion imagery via WLAN, LRS, or Earth File transfers LER – Altair / Outpost Voice/low rate data via WLAN or OTHC while in range Motion imagery via Surface Wireless, LRS, or Earth while in range File transfers LER – MCC Voice/Motion Imagery Leave polar region; conduct lunar-wide exploration Communication System Requirements LER Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band) Altair / Outpost Over the Horizon Communications WLAN Surface Wireless Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE Low Rate (S-Band) Lunar Relay Satellite / DTE High Rate (Ka-Band
Communications Link Options Over the Horizon Communications Low rate (~30 kbps) at ranges out to 20 km between elements Lower rates at greater ranges Maintain continuous communications between LERs Local Wireless LAN Moderate data rates (<10 Mbps) per user in ad hoc network Element to Element links at closer range (2 km) EVA to Element links Surface Wireless Moderate to high data rates via basestation – user network Basestation provided by Altair, LCT, or Portable Comm Terminal (PCT) Lunar Relay Satellite S-Band Data rates up to 3 Mbps Provides path to other lunar locations and Earth Lunar Relay Satellite Ka-Band High data rates up to 100 Mbps Provides path to other lunar locations and Earth
S8 Traverse Matrix (DRAFT)
Surface SystemsROIMax Inter- Element Range 2 LERs100 km20 kmLow rate (~30 kbps) Over the Horizon (OTH) between LERs Local 2 LERs + 2 PUPs (4.5m array) 420 km20 km 2 LERs + 2 PUPs (4.9m array) 420 km20 km 2 LERs + 2 PUPs (4.5m array) solar arrays working while in motion 750 km20 km 2 LERs (15 kph) + 2 PUPs (4.5m array) solar arrays working while in motion 1000 km20 km 2 LERs + 2 PUPs + 2 Mobile Nodes km100 km
Communications During Excursions Excursions for any distance or duration after exiting the Habitation LAN Zone pose essentially the same communications challenges Always keeping surface relay capability between mobile elements and habitat will become increasingly impractical However, using surface assets to relay comm. to outpost via LRS or Earth likely solution. Lunar Relay Availability Up to 8 out of every 12 hours coverage at S-Band within 500 km diameter spot beam (data rates < 3 Mbps) Up to 8 out of every 12 hours coverage at Ka-Band within 60 km diameter spot beam (data rates < 200 Mbps) Comm requirements due to increased number of mobile elements and ROI may be met by a combination of: Increased requirements for Lunar Relay / DTE links Mobile communications infrastructure element Increased communications capability (Higher gain antennas/amplifiers, Ka-Band, optical, etc.) Increased use of Store-and-Forward (DTN) applications Analysis required for optimum network design Trade network requirements between element requirements This function could be integrated onto a mobile platform or integrated into another element Ad-Hoc LAN (Mesh Network) Base Station LAN S/Ka-Band Links
Coverage spec: 250 km from S. Pole 500 km from S. Pole S-band, 1 m diameter Antenna 15° Lunar Elevation Mask Hours Inside Service Area per 12 hrs LRS S-band Coverage - South Pole Pointing
Ka-band, 1 m diameter Antenna 15° Lunar Elevation Mask 250 km from S. Pole 500 km from S. Pole Hours Inside Service Area per 12 hrs LRS Ka-band Coverage - South Pole Pointing
Page 15 Scenario-8 Communications on the Traverse Trunk line or Direct to Earth (DTE) services and Users Trunk Line or DTE: Lunar Relay Satellite (LRS) provides maximum trunk line, maximum Radius of Influence (ROI), high Rate (100Mbps multichannel) service, and low rate (3Mbps multichannel) service Lunar Communications Terminal (LCT) provides moderate trunk line, moderate ROI, high rate multichannel service, low rate multichannel service, and Surface Wireless service Lunar Electric Rover (LER) provides moderate trunk line, moderate ROI, high rate multichannel service, low rate multichannel service, Surface Wireless service, and mobility Habitat provides moderate trunk line, moderate ROI, high rate multichannel service, low rate multichannel service, and Surface Wireless service Users: EVA ATHLETE V node ….
Page 16 Scenario-8 Proposal to add mobility to the LCT Portable Communications Terminal (PCT) With the addition of an optional docking system elements on sojourn increase the ROI and relay or trunk line service when necessary Accommodate extreme mobility, but do not burden moderate mobility with extra luggage Optional docking means that an element need not be fitted with a dock until/unless mission plans to use the PCT Potential for many elements to be fitted with a dock Possibly transport the PCT stowed and deploy in an optimal location
Page 17 Scenario-8 Stow and Mobilize
Page 18 Diffraction Diffraction + Plasma Range on Surface Received Power into 50 Ohm Load Analysis courtesy of Bob Manning, NASA/GRC, 6/25/08 Observations – TRANSHORIZON LUNAR RADIOWAVE PROPAGATION Plot of Received Power versus Transmission Range at 2 MHz communications on Lunar Surface. The transmitting vertical electric dipole is taken to be 10 m above the surface, and the receiving antenna is at 1 m above the surface. At 20 km, there is approximately 10 dB improvement due to sparse plasma effects. At 40 km, this increases to almost a 20 dB improvement, and up to 30 dB at 60 km.
Page km Outpost Radial sorties (SPR only) Circumferential sorties (SPR + Mobile Node) Max SPR range during Circumferential sorties 200km 3-day SPR sorties up to 100km away from Mobile Node during Circumferential sorties increases range up to 200km from outpost Review of Sortie Types Mobile Node SPR Range from Mobile Node
Page 20 Aggregate Data Rate (Mbps) Path Loss (dB) Range (km) TABLE 14: E AGGREGATE DATA RATE VS. PATH LOSS AND RANGE This is from an E, ETDP study with EVA transmitting to Altair with the assumption that Altair has an antenna with “slightly higher” than zero gain.
Page 21 Lunar Relay Satellite Coverage Source: LAT2 Study
Page 22 Coverage Summary Source: LAT2 Study
Page M Antenna BER Contours on Lunar Surface Source: SCIP/JPL, Lee & Ruggier
Page M Antenna BER Contours on Lunar Surface Source: SCIP/JPL, Lee & Ruggier
Page M Antenna BER Contours on Lunar Surface Source: SCIP/JPL, Lee & Ruggier
Page M Antenna Data Rate Contours at Lunar Surface for BER Mbps 1 Mbps 10 Mbps 100 Kbps 1 Kbps 10 Kbps Orthographic Projection 100 bps 688 KM 959 KM 1193 KM 1414 KM 2196 KM 1885 KM 1639 KM Frequency: 23 GHz Ground Antenna: 18M Lunar Antenna: 0.5 M Uplink Power: 200 W Modulation: BPSK Coding: LDPC AR4JA (1024,1/2) Link Margin: 3 dB Source: SCIP/JPL, Lee & Ruggier