Objective: Students will identify their strengths and personality. Bellwork: Name 3 things your are good at.
Everyone has their own way of thinking, feeling, and acting. Our individual characteristics develop early in childhood and usually continue in a somewhat consistent manner throughout life. Complete the Strengths & Personality Worksheet so we can determine your style.
On the front side circle 10 word, ANY column. That best describe you. Must be 10 words, no more no less. On the back side answer the 9 questions with the answer that best describes how you would likely act, think, or feel.
If your scores came out with one letter then you have it easy. Very few people exhibit only one personality type. There are many different combinations. Many corporations use these type tests to help employees determine how they best work and relate to others.
People with this behavioral style like to be in control of the work environment. They are decisive and focus on accomplishing goals. They work quickly and efficiently and like tasks that are challenging. They are usually happiest in leadership positions, such a manager, store owner, entrepreneur, school principal, contractor, office manager, and so on.
These people’s strength lies in their ability to influence others. They are good communicators and enjoy relationship that they develop at work. Very personable, they want recognition and a stimulating work environment. They work best in a flexible setting. They are usually happiest in people- oriented jobs such as sales, marketing, teaching, counseling, coaching, customer service, and the like.
People in this category like tasks that have well-defined procedures. Known for their steadiness and follow-through, they excel at jobs calling for specialized skills. Maintaining relationships is a high priority for them, and their home life is important. Their decisions are considered, so they are often slower to accept change. They are usually happiest in specialized positions such as word processor, mechanic, assembly line worker, repairperson, lab technician, or scientist.
This category of people is responsible for quality control. They are detail people who work from a prescribed set of rules and regulations. They enjoy systematic approaches to problems and strive for accuracy. They are very precise and are well prepared. They are happiest in “watch dog” jobs: working as accountants, law enforcement officials, editors, quality control managers, building inspectors, or zoning officials.
You will be placed in groups depending on what personality style you associate with. In your groups you will create a poster to display your personality style. – Use both words and pictures – If any group is larger than 6 people I will have broken you down into smaller groups. At the end of the period each group will share their poster with the class.