NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Terry Rd. to Gibbs Pond Rd. Design-Build Project PIN , Contract No. D Town of Smithtown, Suffolk County Request for Proposals RFP Utility Meeting December 18, 2015
Catherine Traina Attn: NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Rules of Contact 2
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Location TOTAL FEIS PROJECT LIMIT Design-Bid-Build Project (Completed) Design-Build Phase 3 Project Location Design-Build Phase 1 Project under construction 3 Design-Build Phase 2 Project under construction
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Outline General Scope of Work Background Information on Utility Coordination Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities Required versus Potential Relocations Utility Relocation – By Others Utility Relocation - By DB Questions On Utilities? 4
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Scope of Work Reconstruction of NY Route 347 with additional travel lanes and shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists in a Manner that Maintains the Corridor Theme; Pedestrian facilities; Bus turnouts and enhanced bus stop; Landscape Invasive species; Concrete sound wall; 5
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) General Scope of Work (Continued) Relocation and/or preservation of existing utilities; ITS Installation and integration with the existing INFORM system; Traffic signals; Installation of street and pedestrian lighting; Signing & pavement markings; Work Zone Traffic Control; Drainage. 6
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Background Information on Utility Coordination 7 Part 131 of Title 17 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State of New York - identifies the rules and regulations associated with the accommodation of utility facilities located within state highway rights of way. To be used by utility facilities that affect the use and operation of state highway facilities and by personnel progressing capital construction projects for letting by the Department. Recognition must be given to the fact that if owners of utility facilities are to complete the adjustments of their facilities by the time desired, they must have ample opportunity and time to design the adjustments, budget the costs, procure the necessary materials and supplies, fit the work into operating schedules, assemble the required crews and equipment, and actually perform the work.
All new or relocated installations of above ground utility elements shall be located, in order of preference, but not within the clear zone: (i) At the rights-of-way line; (ii) Between the outer edge of the sidewalk and the rights-of-way line; (iii) A minimum of one foot six inches behind the face of curb or edge of shoulder (where appropriate). (iv) If such one foot six inch minimum offset cannot be physically attained, a lesser appropriate distance behind the face of curb may be considered and/or authorized by the Department and, where applicable, the Federal Highway Administration. NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Background Information on Utility Coordination 8
All new or relocated longitudinal installations of underground elements shall be located, in order of preference: (i) Between the outer edge of sidewalk and the rights-of-way line; (ii) Underneath the sidewalk; (iii) Between the curb and sidewalk; (iv) Underneath the roadway pavement of a parking lane; (v) Underneath the roadway pavement, only if other locations are neither feasible nor practicable, and only if the Department after examination finds that the safety and integrity of the highway traffic operations … NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Background Information on Utility Coordination 9
Depth of bury. - 3’ and 5’, Vertical and lateral clearances 18’, signals 5.5’ and 10’. 5’ Lateral Abandoned Facilities - The utility shall remain responsible for all abandoned utility facilities, the Department may cause the removal of the facility. Work Zone Traffic Control Traffic flow is to be maintained at all times during the progress of work. All work shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize hazards to the traveling public. NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Background Information on Utilities at Work 10
Pavement crossings for underground utilities shall be accomplished by jacking, driving, drilling, boring, or tunneling. The edge of the excavation (nearest the pavement) used for driving or jacking shall not be less than 10 feet, measured laterally from the curb, or edge of shoulder at shoulder break, whichever provides more clearance. "Open cut" installation may be approved by the Department only upon a clear demonstration of. maintenance of the utility. When the highway configuration or other circumstances preclude the minimum offset, the Department may consider approving an alternate configuration and offset. NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Background Information on Utilities at Work 11
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities Verifying utility facility locations; including vertical data Coordinating with owners for utility relocations; Protecting existing utilities; Identifying Avoidance and Minimization Options. Ex: Altering drainage, offset structures and cantilevered signals Identifying & resolving conflicts; Providing stakeout and final layout of utility relocations; Cost to repair damages to utilities caused by Design-Builder; Informing the Department of all meetings/correspondence with utility owners; Development and Completion of 3 Party UWA 12
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Required Relocations Versus Potential Relocations This DB project is different, edge lines and intersection design have not been provided as preliminary plans. The result is … Existing Utilities running parallel within the median and under left turn lanes are to be removed to the edges of roadway. This includes National Grid and SCWA (portion of project). All other relocations discussed are potential and are provided as a reference to what may be encountered and times frames for relocation if necessary. 13
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others 14 Aerial – LIPA / Verizon / Cablevision: There are approximately 87 utility poles within the project limits (NY Route 347 Sta to and assumed side road improvements). These poles are owned by LIPA and Verizon - LIPA owns 54; Verizon owns 33. Assuming 75 % or 65 utility poles. LIPA, Verizon and Cablevision will require approx. 10 to 12 months to relocate utility poles and aerial facilities within the Project Limits.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others 15 Underground – Verizon: Verizon has various buried cables within the project limits. The more notable placements include: 1) originating in the NE corner of Southern Blvd crossing NY Route 347 and runs approximately 2100’ on the south side of NY Route 347, 2) at both Lake Avenue and Gibbs Pond Road Verizon utilizes multiple pole to pole drops to span the intersection both east / west and north / south. Verizon’s Conduits may require relocation due to conflicts with new drainage lines; Verizon will require approx. 1 to 2 weeks per offset (Manholes cannot be re-located).
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others 16 Underground – Cablevision: Cablevision has a PVC duct bank system Serving Avalon Commons from a pole drop on the north side of NY route 347. Cablevision will require 2 to 3 weeks after coordination with Design-Builder to relocate underground cables.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by Others 17 Underground – National Grid (Gas): National Grid will require 8 to 10 weeks to relocate the 8” Steel Gas Main from the Center Median to the South Side of Route 347; National Grid will be responsible for relocations and tie-ins to services and crossing mains. There are 4” steel & PE gas mains on Southern Blvd, Lake Ave and Gibbs Pond Road. There are also 2”, 4” & 6” building gas service lines crossing under NY Route 347 at numerous locations within the project corridor. In the event of side road drainage improvements gas mains should be maintained and protected if possible.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DBer 18 Design-Builder will coordinate with impacted utilities 2 weeks in advance of a relocation and conduct surface preparations and rough grading as needed prior to the relocation.
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities – Relocations by DBer Suffolk County Water Authority: The 12 inch water main on NY 347 in the vicinity of the center median from Terry Rd to Lake Ave. shall be relocated to the north side of NY 347 by the Design-Builder; There are also 8”, 10” & 12” diameter water mains that run under Southern Blvd, Lake Ave and Gibbs Pond Road. In addition to 4” & 6” building water service lines crossing under NY Route 347 The Design-Builder shall be responsible for all costs to design and reconstruct these mains as well as all service connections, hydrants, valves, water meters, etc. 19
NY Route 347 (DB Phase 3) Design-Build Project (PIN , D900033) Questions and Answers Questions On Utilities? 20