HRM STREETLIGHTING OPTIONS UNSM LED Streetlight Workshop June 20, 2012
Existing Streetlighting System Approximately 40,000 streetlights in HRM HRM owns all streetlights within the former City of Halifax boundary(about 13,000 fixtures). HRM pays NSPI for use and maintenance of approximately 27,000 streetlights. In 2012 this is estimated to cost approximately $2.3 million.
Streetlight Service Confusion about Ownership City of Halifax Boundary Underground fed systems Decorative Lights NSPI/HRM service level standards differ Maintaining System (Proactive vs Reactive) Turn Around Times ( 3 days vs 7 days ) Outage Rates ( 1.6% vs 4.3% )
Benefits of LED Streetlights Anticipated energy reduction of 50%. Anticipated 7 ktonnes annual GHG emissions reduction(about 1400 cars off the road) Life of light source approximately 20 years versus 5 years for existing High Pressure Sodium (HPS) technology Opportunity to provide full cut-off fixture design
Phase 1 - In the Business? Status Quo – HRM converts the remaining 11,000 fixtures the Municipality owns, NSPI converts the 27,000 fixtures it owns HRM Owns all HRM Streetlights – HRM converts all 38,000 HRM streetlights to LED NSPI Owns all HRM Streetlights – NSPI converts all 38,000 HRM Streetlights to LED
20 Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis (10 Year Implementation) OPTIONTOTAL NPVDELTA ALL HRM$60.4m STATUS QUO$70.0m$9.6m ALL NSPI$85.0m$24.6m
Financial Analysis Significant investment Total Capex ~$25-30M at current costs What is the optimal conversion? Right away Wait and see Other options Payback Funding implications
Considerations Simple payback is in the 8 to 10 year range. NSPI streetlighting service measure is based on turn- around times, not outage levels. LED Streetlight maintenance costs are anticipated to be limited to warranty replacements for the first 10 years LED fixture prices have dropped dramatically the last 4 years. Stranded asset valuation will not impact the economic evaluation
Phase 2 - In the Business! HRM/NSPI need to Reconcile quantities, types, wattages and locations of existing fixtures owned by the utility HRM needs to optimize a ownership/operation model HRM needs to optimize conversion implementation quantity/timing HRM needs to prequalify LED fixture suppliers HRM needs to get Regional Council approval to implement optimum plan
2010 LED Conversion Project In 2010, HRM replaced 2100 HPS roadway fixtures with HPS streetlights. Supply RFP and install Tender were issued separately The supply evaluation was based on identified criteria and weightings. Performance evaluation was based on designs for 5 typical road/street applications and compliance with RP8 for minimum light levels
LESSONS LEARNED All street segments require lighting design based on pole spacing, setback, width of road and mounting height Baseline lighting distribution data will help with evaluation of LED conversion Ensure all parts, including photocells are designed for anticipated life of LEDs, i.e 20 years Recycling needs to be adequately addressed Educating the general public is critical to acceptance