A Second Opportunity to Change History
What Is Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus? Caused when non-sterile instruments are used to cut the umbilical cord and tetanus spores enter system through the cut Results in painful, uncontrolled muscle spasms and eventually death Kills nearly 60,000 newborn children and a significant number of mothers every year Kills one baby every nine minutes
Who is at Risk? 129 million women and children in 38 countries Those too remote, too poor, and too invisible to the world Little or no access to health care
Babies and Mothers Are Dying But There Is a Solution Promote clean delivery practices Immunize 129 million women with 3 doses of a 60-cent vaccination Conduct neonatal tetanus surveillance in high risk areas Maintain elimination with booster doses to women and children
What Progress Has Been Made? Success in 19 countries Partners with a shared commitment & past successes Governments of at-risk countries will do their part Kiwanians will help with the final push
MNT Elimination Achievements MNT was eliminated in 12 countries from 2001 to 2008 Since 1999, UNICEF has completed elimination in 19 MNT remains a threat in 38 countries
World without MNT
What Does Elimination of MNT Mean? Elimination vs. Eradication Elimination is achieved when less than one case of MNT is reported for every 1,000 live births Immunizations and clean birthing practices are the core to elimination
UNICEF Located in more than 150 countries with 10,000 staff members Advocates for the protection of children's rights Helps meet their basic needs Expands their opportunities to reach their full potential Supported by the US Fund for UNICEF Other UNICEF national committees Our partner for our next global campaign for children
A Partnership to Change the World Kiwanis’ strength in reaching leaders and communities UNICEF’s global staff and unbeatable supply chain Reaching those not served by anyone
Time for Action 129 million women & children 387 million vaccines Safe storage & transportation Skilled medical workers { US$110 million funding gap
Why Kiwanis? It is true to our mission “to serve the children of the world” It will empower us to become advocates for women and children There is a proven action plan & the results are measurable We are positioned to be a global health advocate for MNT It will create unprecedented visibility
Goals Engage the entire Kiwanis family Raise US$110 million Save thousands of lives
What You Can Do! Prepare Educate Advocate Invest Eliminate
What You Can Do! Prepare Grow your club! More Kiwanis and Kiwanis-family members equals greater ability to eliminate MNT
What you can do! Educate Educate yourself, your club, your community, your family, or your school Read the February issue of Kiwanis magazine TheEliminateProject.org to find resources about MNT and sign up for updates
What You Can Do! Advocate Let the world know about MNT and its devastating effects on families Join The Eliminate Project’s Facebook page and update your status Tweet today
What You Can Do! Invest Make an initial gift at TheEliminateProject.org
What You Can Do! Eliminate Kiwanis and UNICEF will eliminate MNT The work you do will change the world
What’s Next? District leaders for The Eliminate Project are identified and prepared The Eliminate Project launch at the 96th Annual Kiwanis International Convention in Geneva, Switzerland
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