SYNOPSIS Sum up the situation of the Institution – how far has it come, how far has it progressed, what evidence is there of change. If possible begin with an anecdote that demonstrates this change.
OBJECTIVES Please state the key gender mainstreaming objectives of the institution Ensure that there is equal representation of men and women Produce a lot of material for women by women Ensure that our Gender Policy is a living document at the workplace 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
BACKGROUND 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Give some background - What was the situation before the intervention? Include evidence from leaders within the institution, and those served by the institution The situation was pathetic before there was under representation we had only 2 women in the management as a result cases of pertaining to women was receiving poor attention. Cases of sexual harassment were not reported and we only had one programmes for women. There was also media gender stereotype where by some a lot of oppotunities were spared for men only.“It is hard for us there was Gender Media Stereotype”, Jenipher Changwanda. After adopted the Gender Policy things Changed. The radio station employed more women and provide capacity building among women. As a Gender Champion I stood up and ask the management to remind them about the gender policy and they understand right now
KEY ACTIVITIES Please list at least five in bullet form Observe special dates such sixteen days of Gender activism and World Women day Conduct in house workshop to equip employees with gender issues Partner with other Non Governmental Organisations in mainstreaming Women Empowerment e.g Genderlinks, UNICEF and Girls not Bribes Malawi chapter 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Amount local currency (specify) Amount in Rand Gender specific allocation Gender in mainstream projects (please specify) k5oo oooo R Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organisations (please specify) K k TOTAL K R
CHALLENGES What have been the main challenges? How have these been overcome? Media gender stereotype Lack of funds We have managed to overcome these challenges by adopting the Gender Policy which stipulates that we need to have equal presentaions. We are also in partenership with other Organasation right now we have embarked on JOINT UN PROGRAMME IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS(JPAG) PROJECT with fundind from UNICEF in Mangochi district 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
photos 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION What lessons have been learned in the COE process? How are these being applied? Being a Centre of Excellence we have learned a lot of things through trainings.we apply these things in our programming and also at the management level for example we have adopted Gender Policy and set up Gender Committee 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
LEARNING AND SHARING WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS How have you learned from and shared with other institutions? Please be specific – give names of the institutions, where and how you met and shared. We have learned and shared a lot with other COEs such as Dzimwe and Malawi Institute of Journalism we meet during Gender workshop. We have learned what our friends are doing in mainstreaming Gender. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION How can the work be sustained within your organisation? How can the work be cascaded to other institutions? How can your institution contribute to the cascading process? This work will be sustainable because of the Gender Policy. We have also Gender Champions at the station who ensure that women employees are treated equally. Ensure that women at our workplace manage to stand up speak out and fight back. This can be cascaded to other radio institution if they will adpot the Gender policy and we can help to cascade this by sharing them the good fruits our radio station is bearing such as we have women in these positions marketing manager, online editor we have also 3 sound engineers and a visually impaired young man who is a produncer. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA
KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 What will the council be focusing on in the next year? Our council will produce a lot of programmes for women by women in older to meet the targets by Ensure that there is equal and fair distribution of opportunities and resources among men and women. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA