What am I Looking For? o Must o List all the memory types and explain the purpose of each memory type (ROM, RAM, Virtual Memory, and Cache). o Understand what volatile, static and dynamic RAM is. o Should o Explain the relationship of volume and speed factors when data is moving from virtual memory to the CPU. o Differentiate types of RAM based on volatile, static and dynamic classification. o Could o Explain the above relationship using actual measuring units. Explain how an increase in RAM will affect the computer’s performance. PLTS: Independent enquirers, reflective learners.
Virtual memory Review… Volatile memory Static memory Dynamic memory Additional memory which uses hard disk space. Information gets erased when the power is switched off. It holds information when power is on without refresh i.e. cache It holds information when power is on with refresh i.e. RAM
Flash Memory Flash memory is a type of non-volatile storage. Does not break when dropped No moving parts Faster than a hard disk but slower than RAM Deteriorates over time.
CPU HARD DISK Program Size 10 Bytes Virtual RAM vs. RAM Virtual Memory 5 Bytes RAM 5 Bytes CACHE 1 Byte
Activity 1 Create a Word document in landscape orientation using a four column table with headings: Memory NameType (Static/ Dynamic) VolatileDescription RamIs it static or dynamic? Is it volatile or non- volatile? It helps the computer to… When more of it is used, is the performance higher or lower? Cache…… It helps the computer to… When more of it is used, is the performance higher or lower? Virtual RAMN/A It helps the computer to… When more of it is used, is the performance higher or lower? Flash MemoryN/A… Examples are… Advantages are… Disadvantages are… Save the file as “ Memory”
Activity 2 In the same document, use a different page to create a graphical representation to explain the relationship of volume and speed factors when data is moving from virtual memory to the CPU. The graphical representation will have to show data-direction, volume and speed fluctuation similar to the figure 2.8 from the textbook on page 26 or my presentation. BE CREATIVE! Save the file as “ Memory”
Extended Activity Search the internet and find out what the usual values for each memory type are in terms of type, size and speed. For example, RAM Type: DDR3, Size: 8 GB, Speed: 6400 Mb/s. Explain how Virtual memory is usually calculated in Windows 7 in relation to installed RAM. Report the results in the development activity 2. Save the file as “ Memory”
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