Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 1 Data Taking July 25 – Aug 1 Store # BeginLum [cm -2 s -1 ]Duration 2817Thu 22:354.0E hrs 2821Sat 1:513.8E hrs 2824Sun 3:004.2E hrs Quench 2826Mon 2:283.6E hrs 2828Tue 8:473.5E hrs 2830Wed 7:143.4E hrs Abort (RF PS) 2847Fri 3:503.3E31 ongoing 98 store hours (Fri-Fri 0:00) Need ~5.6pb -1 /week until Aug 25 for “base goal” (6.4pb -1 last week) Long stores, targeted studies on-the-fly Expect more studies once base goal is reached All-time best
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 2 Data Taking July 25 – Aug 1 Day∫L dt (del)∫L dt (rec)Efficiency Fri 1541nb nb % Sat 1616nb nb % Sun 1397nb nb %L1CAL Mon ≃ 1400nb -1 ≃ 1200nb -1 ?%L1CAL Tue ≃ 1200nb -1 ≃ 1100nb -1 ?% Wed 814nb nb % Thu 0nb -1 0nb -1 This week ≃ 8000nb -1 ≃ 6900nb -1 ≃ 86% Last week6929nb nb % Best week9786nb nb % Best run ever: Run , recorded 479nb -1 5 th best 6 th best
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 3 Integrated Luminosity
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 4 Events / News / Downtimes ● L2 rates too high at beginning of record store prescales adjusted ● Last week's “Feature of the week” mostly fixed Frequent pauses+SCLinit due to Muon Scintillator (CES), combined with Muon triggers missing after SCLinit Fatal tailspin due to large number of alarms... alarm SCLinit Muon rates drop several SCLinit's next alarm... ● Present “Feature of the week”: L1Muon trigger ● Or: Discovery of welding activity as source of Calorimeter “Ring of Fire” ● Three controlled accesses Friday: CES SFE swap, FPD TPP board swaps, CAL timing measurements Monday: Dry engine switch, CES SFE swaps, CFT+CTT board replacements, L1Muon power supply replacement Wednesday: more SFE replacements in CES, CAL timing adjustments on crate controllers ● Major downtimes: L1CAL trips: 4 hrs SMT special runs: 1.2 hrs
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 5 Post-Access Checkout ● Avoid coming out of access in worse shape than before ● Checklist Captain or Access Coordinator? –He/she would ask each shifter to check their systems Each system needs to –Develop their checklist –Provide instructions to shifters ● Walk-through in the collision hall? Common sense / experience instead Always one experienced person per team ● In general not always possible before access is finished
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 6 L1 CAL Sun/Mon (from Dan) ● Rack power safety system shut down the L1 Cal Trig Sunday afternoon during store. Concern about the noise made by the air blower when it was restarted and problems contacting Dan (long distance pager did not work in Michigan) prevented getting the system running again before the store was lost due to a quench, about 2.5hrs after the trip ● Monday morning there were 4 more trips of the L1 Cal Trig. Recovery from these trips was without problems and went about as fast as possible (on average 30min). 3 of these 4 trips happened during a store. ● After the 4th trip Monday morning the drive belt for the air blower was replaced. The belt that was removed did not look frayed or glazed but slipping of this belt was the suspected cause for the rack power safety system shutting down the Cal Trig. After this belt was replaced, the rest of the store on Monday was completed without further problems from the L1 Cal Trig. ● Monday evening the L1 Cal Trig was shutdown so that Pete Simon and Jim Fagan could inspect the air blower, and its power contactor. The safety system sensors that monitor the air flow were also checked to make certain that a faulty sensor was not causing the power trips. No problems were found. Then L1 Cal Trig was started back up and tested to verify that it still functioned correctly after these 5 power trips. No problems were found.
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 7 L1CAL cont. (from Dan) ● Over the years this air blower and its drive belt have received preventive maintenance. It was last serviced during the January 2003 shutdown. Before this incident we had not had any trouble with this blower in the 10+ years that it has been operating. ● Action to prevent this from happening again We can begin a 4 times a year schedule to inspect this blower and adjust its drive belt. I'm concerned about being blind sided by this again because there was no indication of a problem with the blower. On the Friday before the Sunday incident the differential air pressure across the racks and the air flow velocity in the racks were reading their normal values.
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 8 SBC Crashes (from Doug) ● Definitely a kernel bug or subtle bug in our driver code ● Cannot get it to occur in our test crate ● Have several good debugging ideas that simply require my personal attention and dedicated time ● With LP work complete/abandoned, will tackle this in the next few weeks
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 9 Level 2 (from Reinhard) ● Have done a successful test reading out L2CTT during zero-bias running Getting ready to put it in the run during global running with beam ● Occasionally missing L2 Muon input and the DAQ or calmuon shifters don't recognize it as such and page the L2 expert instead of resetting or fixing the broken muon front-end ● Smooth running other than that
Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Aug 1, 2003Page 10 Agenda RussMechanicalStefan/BrigitteL1CTT ArndData TakingFred/Drew/AbidCFT/PS Bob K. / NNL1 CAL NirmalyaCAL Jeff / Rob / NN L1 Muon Al ItoCentral Muon Gordon/Doug L3 DmitriForward Muon Brendan/Michael Lumi/ Server Upgrade Mike S.FPD Breese/MichaelSMT/ Special Runs Geoff/Fritz Controls Michiel/Joe S.GMStu Online ReinhardL2