The biggest paper yet.
The 3 rd Six Weeks: November 13: Powerpoint and Distribute Assignment. Select Topic. November 17: Model writing. November 19, 21: Library to type. Bring your laptops if you wish. November 25: Library to type. Rough Draft of Critical Analysis Due at end of class. December 2: I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE ROUGH DRAFTS AFTER TODAY. December 4: Distribute edited Rough Drafts. December 8: Final Drafts Due December 12: I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE FINAL DRAFTS AFTER TODAY. Final Exam Review. December 15: Final Exam Review. **See Exam Schedule on my Bulletin Board for the exact day of your exam.
Critical Analysis: A literary analysis essay in which you must obtain evidence from the text we’re reading (The Tragedy of Macbeth) and an outside source to support your thesis. Outside source provided: Paul Jorgensen’s “William Shakespeare: The Tragedies” Each sentence has a specific function. YOU CANNOT LEAVE ANY OF THEM OUT, therefore. Each paragraph will be between 10 and 12 sentences.
Choose a Prompt: Two of the prompts deal with the evolution of one character between the beginning of the play and the end of the play. The third topic deals with symbols Shakespeare uses in the play: Blood Water Sleep **HINT: READ YOUR ASSIGNMENT!! It says “Hint” right below each essay prompt…you’ll find a good suggestion of how to organize your essay. If you have trouble, see me in class or in tutorials.
Complete the Outline: Each sentence has a function. Outline is structured to remind you of that function. Definitions for words like “Setup” are on your assignment. I will provide you with a list of transition words, and we will go over how to use them. Each paragraph must have one textual example from the play, and one textual example from the Jorgensen article. Write each sentence on the outline as you would on a Rough Draft: Complete Sentences- no phrases, acronyms, text lingo, etc.
Type Your Paper Type what you wrote on the outline, only string your sentences together without labeling each one. After you type your essay, you should have a comprehensive Rough Draft. Format using the instructions on the following slides.
How to Cite Shakespearean Plays: Format: “Quoted text” (Act.Scene.Line). Act = Roman numeral Scene = Roman numeral, lowercase Line = Arabic numeral Example: The witches say, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,” (I.i.10).
MLA Formatting: **It’s all written on your assignment. MLA Heading: Your Name My Name English IV Due Date Font: Times New Roman, 12 point Spacing: Double (not 1.5) Margins: 1 inch, all 4 sides Page numbers: only on pages 2 and up. In MS Word, go to the “Insert” tab, under Header and Footer, click “Page Number,” Click “Top of Page,” and choose “Plain Number 3” to position all page numbers at the top right hand corner of the paper. Click “Format Page Number,” click “Start at” and change the number from 1 to 2.
MLA Formatting: Left-justify all text: In MS Word, on the Home tab, go to the Paragraph section. The correct button is on the second row and if you hover over it, it says “Align Text Left.” The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented: Put your cursor to the left of the first letter of the first word of the first sentence of your paragraph. Then hit the Tab key once. After you do this, when you hit enter to start a new paragraph, your text may automatically indent by itself. If it does not, you are responsible for making sure that it does.