1/5/09 Jiri Masik1 Event Filter Tracking in the Inner Detector Jiri Masik EFID Trigger related work –Trigger bytestream –Event display
1/5/09 Jiri Masik2 Event Filter Tracking (EFID) Event Filter Inner Detector (EFID) –Reconstruction sw for the ID in the last trigger level Precise tracking and vertexing in the trigger environment Major involvement of the Manchester group - our responsibilities: –Code development and maintenance –Analysis of the performance –Online operation On-call shifts monitoring –User support for trigger slices –Stefan, Jenna, Graham
1/5/09 Jiri Masik3 EFID in 2008 CSC note –Documented the performance in “Expected performance of the ATLAS Experiment, Detector, Trigger and Physics, CERN-OPEN ” - editor of the trigger tracking chapter Tracking in collisions -> tracking in cosmics –Combined cosmics run after Sept 19 –EFID (tracking for collisions) in the online running with a special configuration for cosmics –Improved efficiency for finding cosmic tracks from 0% to 90% wrt offline –Tested EFID with real data from online to ESD monitoring analyses of performance with data
1/5/09 Jiri Masik4 Trigger work Trigger Bytestream –Trigger info in ATLAS bytestream Important for trigger analysis and debugging Raw data contains objects reconstructed online on which trigger decision was made –for example TrackParticles of EFID Complex data structures with “pointers” De/serialization software to store objects in BS –Major update of the software in 2008 support full trigger data model (ElementLinks etc) Equipped with transient/persistent conversions for long-term readability of the data (evolution of data objects in future) Trigger talk –“The ATLAS trigger system in the first collisions” at IPRD2008 conference in Siena On commissioning of the High Level Trigger in early collissions
1/5/09 Jiri Masik5 More online stuff I was responsible for running the ATLAS reconstruction software online for the event display The first beam event seen in ATLAS
1/5/09 Jiri Masik6 Summary Exciting time in 2008 More fun ahead with collisions this year