Top 5 Big Ideas about Writing 10 th Grade, 4 th Quarter English Language Arts
Orange County Public Schools Suggested Academic Writing Progression 10 th Grade Quarter 1 Pre-assessment/ Vocabulary Understand the question Establish a purpose for reading Read and mark the text Create a controlling idea statement Planning o Organize evidence o Create topic sentences Quarter 2 Write essay o Body paragraphs Elaboration Counterclaims Transitions Sentence structure o Introductions o Conclusions Bold text denotes Q2 focus, in addition to instruction from Q1. Quarter 3 Edit and revise Bold text denotes Q3 focus, in addition to instruction from Q1 and Q2. (LAFS W.1.3) *See MTPs for narrative writing Suggested Research Writing Progression (LAFS W.1.2 and W.3.7) *See MTPs for research writing
Orange County Public Schools Writing during the 4 th Quarter 1.Text-based Writing 2.Narrative Writing 3.Argumentative Writing 4.Research Writing 5.Writing Resources and Materials
Orange County Public Schools Big Idea 1: Text-based Writing Writing FocusesPossible Text Pairings Analysis of Argument and Rhetoric Argumentative Writing Narrative Writing Why Read Shakespeare? The Tragedy of Macbeth The Holinshed’s Chronicles Macbeth Murder Mystery
Orange County Public Schools Big Idea 2: Narrative Writing Sensory description: What would you hear if you were this character? What would you see if you were this character? What might you feel or touch, as this character? What might you taste? What would you smell?
Orange County Public Schools Big Idea 3: Argumentative Writing
Orange County Public Schools Big Idea 4: Research Writing 1.Type of research paper- Is this an informative and argumentative research paper? 2.Select a topic- Did your teacher provide you a list of topics to choose from or do you have free range? 3.Identifying an audience- Who is the audience for this assignment? Is it a person, group, or is it a formal writing piece? 4.Where do I begin- Do you have a list of texts you were assigned to use for research of this topic? If not, where are some locations you can search for credible texts, articles, and resources about your topic? (SAFARI Montage, World CAT, etc.) How will you mark your research? How will you organize your research?
Orange County Public Schools Big Idea 5: Resources and Materials Narrative Writing: content/uploads/2015/02/Descriptive-Writing-a-sensory-moment-in-time.pdf content/uploads/2015/02/Descriptive-Writing-a-sensory-moment-in-time.pdf Argumentative Writing: argument-opinion-writing-list-pg argument-opinion-writing-list-pg Research Writing: State Resources: Family Resources located on FAQ Schedules Sample assessments Test design information Scoring Sampler
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