H-jet Run at Injection A. Dion, H. Huang, A. Poblaguev, A. Zelenski, and YM
What was done The Jet ran quite well with near maximal intensity 4700 counts. Started at noon with the Blue beam and adjusted the jet timing so that the elastic scattering banana falls on the correct time / Energy curve. Within 1 hour decided to inject the Yellow beam and separated the two my ~ 3 mm. By 5:30 pm we up and running. Took 1-hr runs with polarimeter runs with jet running till we realized that this may corrupt the data (increased bkgnd). Shifted to two hour runs with Polarization measurements with DAQ off. Two-beam store was dumped around 11 pm. Ran till 8 am with single blue beam.
Luminescence View of the beams and Jet
Running with single Beam Good background Prompts approaching the data near 3-4 MeV recoil energy The bunch length is much wider that we have seen at 100 or 250 GeV
Run with Two beams Running with two beams separated by 3 mm vertically. Adjusted beams vertical position for uniform acceptance Background higher
From the online monitoring The bananas for Blue and Yellow beams same scale. Bunch length is significantly 250 GeV
Results (not ready) We need to adjust our cuts compared to what we have been using A quick look indicates significant fluctuations from short 1-2 hr. runs. Need to inspect and fine tune our cuts. Depending on our (energy) cuts we think we should have enough data for a 5% measurement My only suspicion is whether the beams were properly centered on the jet Stay tuned.