CAA PEACE Status Natasha Doss, Andrew Fazakerley, Branislav Mihaljčić and Gill Watson MSSL 18 th Cross Calibration Workshop, Abingdon, UK, October 2013
Summary of Progress Since the Last Meeting MSSL CAA Delivered all PEACE datasets for January – July 2012 Deliveries: calibrations version v6.0 Updates to production software Changes to headers Computing issues DAA Made significant progress (see ppt by Branislav Mihaljčić) Calibrations Work has started on producing alpha-factors v6.0 for November-December 2012 IDFS_ARCHIVE Currently in the public IDFS archive: VIDFs v5.2/v5.3 – from start of mission till VIDFs v6.0 – from till
Deliveries Progress Since the Last Meeting MSSL Since the last Xcal meeting the following CL-1,2,3,4 PEACE data products were delivered: All PEACE CAA datasets for January – July 2012 PEACE PP and SP data for February – July 2012 delivered to UKDC
PEACE CAA Delivery Status MSSL NOTE 1. MOMENTS calculated without optimisation for region and broken anodes: C3 HEEA – anode 5 from 22 August 2005 C2 LEEA – anode 1 from 15 May 2011 NOTE 2. zeros in PITCH_SPIN background noise and HAR/LAR problem need to be checked/fixed Derived Products
PEACE CAA Delivery Status MSSL NOTE 1. delivered (PITCH_)3DXPA(LAR) have 64 azimuths, 4 azimuth version has been produced NOTE 2. delivered PITCH_3DR has 12 pitch angles, we are planning to redeliver PITCH_3DR with 6 pitch angles to avoid gaps in pa coverage. NOTE 3. PITCH_FULL PADAL problem needs fixing (only dayside are affected). NOTE 4. PITCH_3DXP(LAR) is currently in PITCH_3DX(LAR) – may be made into a separate dataset. Advanced Science Products (sparse availability) Derived Products
PEACE CAA Delivery Status MSSL NOTE 1. NOI and OMS do not require calibrations. Ancillary Products
PEACE CAA Delivery Status MSSL NOTE 1. these Status datasets are in delivered files already, generated on the fly when new data files are produced and are available for the whole duration of main data products. NOTE 2. Status_Quality will be regenerated when other status parameters are done. NOTE 3. We found that Status_ASPOC is not in delivered files – working to fix this. Status datasets
PEACE CAA Delivery Status MSSL NOTE 1. the following Status datasets are NOT in delivered files: Status_PADSelectionQuality, Status_PitchAngleCoverage, Status_PenetratingRadiation, Status_CountStats, Status_PartialCoverage NOTE 2. Status_PenetratingRadiation & Status_FGM – generated files with the earlier version of the software. Status datasets
Software Development Progress Since the Last Meeting MSSL Software development Work on 4/8 azimuth version of 3DXPA(LAR) CAA file production code has finished. Work on 4/8 azimuth version of PITCH_3DXPA(LAR) CAA file production code has finished. Both of these changes have been incorporated into the main production software. 6 pitch angle version of PITCH_3DR has also been incorporated into the main production software. Testing/validating of these changes still needs to be done. Changes to headers: Changes are being made to Cluster and Double Star headers to remove Iryna Rozum as technical contact and replaced with Natasha Doss for Cluster and Branislav Mihaljcic for Double Star These will be delivered when ready.
MSSL Status of PEACE operations computing system Multiple disk failures on one of our NAS storage systems (NAS 2) As a result CAA data production and delivery of January July 2012 was on hold between February and May. Some recently produced data was lost and had to be regenerated. However we have also lost data from previous years already delivered to the CAA. A new dedicated PEACE operations storage system with improved disk management has been purchased and installed (NAS 5). Any data that was saved was copied from NAS 2 to NAS 5. NAS 2 has been converted to RAID 6 configuration and is operational again. Planning is in progress to also convert NAS 1, which holds our IDFS archive, from RAID 5 to RAID 6 to prevent the same issue occurring on this system. Status of computing system
DPU data production problems on SC3 These were reported at the recent SWT. For the CAA it means that some products will no longer be routinely produced. LER, OMS and NOI are no longer produced onboard the spacecraft so there will be no corresponding CAA data from C3 3DR and 3DX data is produced correctly onboard the spacecraft, and so will be delivered to CAA MOMENTS data is still produced on ground from 3DR and provided to CAA Onboard pitch angle selection no longer works properly. We need to think about whether to continue producing PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL for CAA. We may deliver them but write a note in the user guide that to get a complete 0° to 180 ° p.a. range the user should refer to PITCH_3DR There is an interval of a few weeks without any useful science data whatsoever, as reported at the SWT. This will be noted in the User Guide. MSSL Other problems
Loss of two members of the team due to people taking other jobs (1.5 FTE) PLS funds will drop from 3 people to 2 people at the end of A plan is in place to recruit an additional person, using unspent and internal funds. MSSL Other problems
The CAA currently has (delivered in May 2013): User Guide to the PEACE measurements in the CAA V2.4 Calibration Report of the PEACE measurements in the CAA V1.4 Interface Control Document for PEACE in the CAA V6.4 CAA-related papers by PEACE team: PEACE data contributions to the CAA, Khan et al., 2005 PEACE data in the CAA, Fazakerley et al., 2010 Cluster-PEACE in-flight calibration status, Fazakerley et al., 2010 GI Special Issue paper on Cluster cross-calibrations has been accepted for publication. PEACE Documentation MSSL
Issues affecting the quality of the PEACE dataset PEACE-centric CL-3 HEEA bad anode 5 (from 22 August 2005) & CL-2 LEEA bad anode 1 (from 15 May 2011) – Plans have been prepared for a pilot study on how to handle the broken anodes. Penetrating radiation during some perigee passes (cleaning is possible) Required input information from other teams WHISPER densities – available till end of December 2012 EFW data – available till end of May 2013 AUX SUMMARY – available till end of July 2013 FGM cal files – available till end of July 2013 MSSL Open Issues
Future Plans MSSL 1.Calibration finish v6.1 inter-anode calibration for 2005 – 2008 extend v6.1 inter-anode calibration to 2009 – 2012 extend v6.0 to 2000 – 2004 finish cross-calibration work for Nov – Dec 2012 extend cross-calibration work to after December 2012 when supporting datasets are available 2.Short-term work Fix bug affecting PITCH_FULL with PADAL, produce data & deliver Check/fix zeros in PITCH_SPIN background counts Fix LAR-HAR problem in PITCH_SPIN and PITCH_FULL Produce 4/8 azimuth version of (PITCH_)3DXPA(LAR) and deliver 3.Status parameter completion. 4.Deliveries: 1) Complete 2012 deliveries. 2) Produce and deliver 2013 data products when possible. 5.Deal with problem of broken anodes (CL-3 HEEA and CL-2 LEEA) – redeliver C3 MOMENTS from 2005 onwards when we decide how to best deal with the problem. 6.When calibration v6.1 available regenerate and deliver all datasets (2000 – latest data) with the latest calibrations and status parameters.
Status of Action Items MSSL NOTE: Grey shaded AIs were closed since the last Cross-Calibration meeting in Mar 2013 CC12-AI-11 to PEACE (due ): to process datasets for C3-HEEA. For the bad (broken) anode use interpolation. IN PROGRESS Plans have been prepared for a pilot study on how to handle the broken anodes. We aim to address this before the next CAA review. CC15-AI-7 to PEACE, DWP, CIS (due 31 May 2012): to include the instrument operation timeline in the Double Star data production pipeline as the old versions of raw data may have had wrong UT time added in the ground (e.g. see the intervals where the instrument seem to have produced data while it is known to be off) IN PROGRESS We have inputs for tools to do this, but have not implemented it yet. CC15-AI-10 to CAA, CIS, DWP, PEACE (due 31 May 2012): to deliver TC-1/TC-2 data from Nov-Dec 2004 CLOSED TC-1 3DX data in cnts, PSD, DEFlux and DPFlux for Nov – Dec 2004 has been delivered. This data is likely to be redelivered with improved calibrations.
MSSL Status of Action Items CC16-AI-2 to All (due 23 November 2012): to send Harri a list of papers [first author + working title] that are likely to be submitted to the Special Issue of the GI journal. CLOSED CC16-AI-3 to All (due 23 November 2012): in the special issue papers, do not explain instrument and operation details (it is enough to make a reference to the published instrument papers) unless it is necessary to explain the actual calibration/data processing CLOSED A paper on Cluster cross-calibration for the CAA special issue has been accepted for publication. CC17-AI-1 to All (due 15 May 2013): use a new monthly reports template CLOSED CC17-AI-2 to All (due 15 May 2013): to investigate how to implement the time glitch information described in ESOC anomaly report in the instrument processing software OPEN It is suspected that the PEACE data processing software successfully deals with the glitch but detailed checks will be made. CC17-AI-5 to PEACE (due 15 May 2013): to consider to use both HIA and WHISPER to identify suitable intervals for the determination of alpha factors in , i.e. only the data points where the two measurement are near to each other are used. OPEN
MSSL PEA11-AI-10 to PEACE (due ): to check why all except MOMENTS have missing files, e.g. 16 Aug 2003, 27 Feb 2005, 9 Nov 2005, 22 Dec 2006, 1 Jan 2008 OPEN PEA11-AI-13 to PEACE (due ): to check if the merging of the PITCH version of the 3DX and 3DXP datasets is what is wanted. ON HOLD CAA PEACE Review Meeting Jan 2012
MSSL PEA12-AI-02 to PEACE (due ): to check why a large number of datasets were not produced. Examples from C1: Aug 03, Jan 04, Feb 05, Nov 05, Dec 06, Jan 08, Dec 08. IN PROGRESS Missing data for C – May 2008 have been produced and delivered to the CAA. These data gaps were most likely caused by gaps in the PEACE IDFS data used to make PEACE CAA data. PEACE IDFS archive was fully regenerated in Autumn 2010, which fixed the majority of data gaps. The rest of data gaps will be checked and regenerated in the foreseeable future. PEA12-AI-03 to PEACE (due ): to check why MOMENTS files were not complete (e.g. compared to PITCH datasets). Examples from C1: Jun 04, Jul 04, Nov 05, Dec 05, Feb 05, Jul 06, Apr 07, May 07, Nov 07, Feb 08. OPEN MOMENTS production requires FGM, EFW and AUXILIARY data. If these are absent then MOMENTS cannot be produced while PITCH datasets will still be made. We aim to check this. PEA12-AI-04 to PEACE (due ): to check why PP files were not available (e.g. compared to MOMENTS datasets). Examples from C1: Jun 04, Jul 04, Dec 04, Nov 05, Dec 05, Mar 06, Apr 06, Aug 06. OPEN We aim to check this. CAA PEACE Review Meeting Nov 2012
MSSL PEA12-AI-05 to PEACE (due ): to check why PITCH_SPIN/FULL do not have the same coverage as PAD datasets. Examples from C1: Jan 07, Apr 07, May 07, Jan 08, Feb 08, Mar 08, May 08, Apr 09 OPEN Current version of the production software cannot handle PADAL IDFS datasets (present for day-side orbits in 2007 – 2009) for making PITCH_SPIN/FULL data. This problem does not exist for PAD datasets. We plan to fix this problem, affected data will be regenerated and redelivered. PEA12-AI-06 to PEACE (due ): to check why PITCH_3DRL/H and 3DRL/H do not have the same coverage. Examples from C1: Feb 09, Mar 09 OPEN PEA12-AI-07 to PEACE (due ): to check why OMSH/L are occasionally missing. Examples from C1: Mar 09 IN PROGRESS Missing data for C1 up to May 2008 have been regenerated and redelivered to the CAA. The rest of years will be checked/regenerated in the foreseeable future. PEA12-AI-08 to PEACE (due ): to investigate if the MODE dataset can be created for PEACE and what information is the most useful/relevant while searching PEACE in a given mode in a given region of space OPEN PEA12-AI-10 to PEACE (due ): to update the UG, CR and ICD CLOSED CAA PEACE Review Meeting Nov 2012
MSSL 2010 OR5 Recommendations R13 to CAA/ALL: Users with specific interests may wish to access only a portion of the information available in user guides. The board recommends that both CAA and instrument teams consider developing user guides with a fast browsing capabilities. OPEN There has been no work done yet. R16 to all teams: the board recommends delivery of observations from the commissioning stage particularly from January 2001 and December 2000 (also November 2000). OPEN CAA has provided potential times for commissioning times. Will there be WHISPER sheath densities from those few JSOC controlled orbits in 2000 when there were operations on all the payload together and sheath crossings? Will the interference campaign data be included? R25 to PEACE: PEACE team to ensure that the best calibrations are applied to all data sets as soon as possible. ONGOING We have produced alpha-factors from the end of 2004 up to end of July 2012 based on comparison of PEACE-WHISPER densities. These latest calibrations have been applied to the recently delivered data for We are working to extend inter-anode calibrations up to end of 2009, and then for later years, using alpha-factors from the PEACE-WHISPER comparison studies.
MSSL 2011 OR6 Recommendations R1 to All: The review board noted that all teams have shown progress in the development of data products and their delivery. The board encourages all teams to continue to deliver as planned, and where possible to accelerate delivery of products that are required by other teams for their analysis. All teams should agree a delivery schedule consistent with the Cluster mission post-operations constraints. ONGOING R2 to All: We note that the cross-calibration exercises between many of the instruments have been very successful in ensuring high quality data products. We encourage the CAA and instrument teams to identify those cross-calibration efforts which have been most useful and to disseminate them to the community, preferably in the peer-reviewed literature. CLOSED A paper on Cluster cross-calibrations has been written and accepted for publication in GI special issue R7 to PEACE: The board is encouraged by the progress made by the PEACE team in the delivery of data. However, the board notes that delivery is still behind the necessary schedule. A specific issue that should be addressed is the implementation of a work-around for the broken anode problem on C3: extrapolation over the broken anode is recommended to be used for the generation of moments, and fill values are used in other circumstances. The board encourages (1) the start of the provision of the PITCH_3DX family of data products, and (2) the completion of calibration activities for recent years, both very soon. ONGOING 1) PITCH_3DX family data products delivered for July ) Alpha-factors made till end of July 2012, ia cals are in progress
MSSL 2012 OR7 Recommendations R1 to All: The board notes that the delivery schedule requires that all teams should have provided data up to and including December 2011 by the time of the review. We commend those teams that are up-to-date in their delivery. We require that all other teams speed up their delivery to be compliant with the current and future delivery schedule. CLOSED We have delivered most all datasets up to end of 2011 and started deliveries for R2 to All: The board recommends that all teams ensure that they have provided detailed information to the CAA regarding the pointing of instrument sensors relative to the spacecraft reference frame (e.g. sun-sensor or spacecraft Y-axis). OPEN R3 to All: The board recommends that instrument teams provide information regarding “special operations”, e.g. special modes, solar wind operations, guest investigator campaigns, etc., including their description and time of operation. The CAA is to coordinate this activity and to make the information available through their web pages. OPEN R4 to PEACE: The board recommends that the PEACE team resolves their bad anode problem and spurious 0s in their pitch angle datasets. IN PROGRESS Plans have been prepared for a pilot study on how to handle the broken anodes.
MSSL 2013 OR8 Recommendations R1 to All: The board recommends that instrument teams ensure that all ancillary datasets are fully described in their ICDs. OPEN R2 to All: All instrument teams should ensure that their user guides contain a detailed description and time-line of instrument operations and failures. OPEN R3 to All: The board recommends that all teams investigate data quality at mode changes and instrument switch-on or switch-off. OPEN R4 to PEACE: Add information regarding the pointing of the sun-sensor relative to PEACE on the pointing diagram in the PEACE user guide (see Steve Schwartz figure in QPEACE documentation). OPEN
MSSL Thank you for listening!