MicroTCA & AdvancedTCA Shelf Management Jiping Cao May, 2009 Controls Conference (RT2009) Beijing China
2 Presentation Outline The Fundamentals of Management What is Shelf Management? Software Elements and Interfaces AdvancedTCA Management Architecture MicroTCA Management Architecture High Availability vs. High Reliability
3 Purpose of Management OA&M (operations, administration, and maintenance): is a general term used to describe the processes, activities, tools, standards, etc involved with operating, administering, and maintaining any system Increase Availability Decrease Total Cost of Ownership Decrease Total Cost of Ownership Decrease Maintenance & Repair Decrease Maintenance & Repair
4 The Fundamentals of Management : Complete Management System Network Element (Vendor A) Network Element (Vendor A) EMS (Vendor A) EMS (Vendor A) Network Element (Vendor B) Network Element (Vendor B) EMS (Vendor B) EMS (Vendor B) NMS Network Element (Vendor A) Network Element (Vendor A) Traditional Telecommunications Hierarchical Architecture Vendor Specific I/f System Manager ATCA MicroTCA PICMG (PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group) Provides Standardized Interface RMCP/IPMI
5 Shelf Management Shelf Management = Platform Management = Hardware Platform Management Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is: Standardized, abstracted interface to monitor system health and manage the system PICMG Adopted IPMI originally for CompactPCI 2.9 in 2000 Combination of Microcontroller, Firmware, and Sensor IO Monitors, Manages, and Controls the Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) in a Shelf Payload Boards Power Supplies Fans Infrastructure Modules
6 Managing Manages each Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Asset Information: –FRU Manufacturer –FRU Product Name & Model Number –FRU Serial Number –FRU Geographical Address –FRU Version
7 Monitoring Analog Threshold Examples Board temperature Processor temperature Voltages Fan Speed Discrete State Examples Hot Swap CPU Error Power Good Thermal Trip Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold Upper Critical Threshold Upper Non- Critical Threshold Lower Non-Critical Threshold Lower Critical Threshold Lower Non-Recoverable Threshold Monitors sensors resident on the components
8 Control Power Management: Determines if the Shelf can supply the necessary power to a Module Activate/Deactivate Electronic Keying: Determines a matching configuration of the fabric and clock connections between the platform and payload board Boot Sequencing Manages the sequence of payload board power up Hot Swap: Manages the removal of a component (e.g., an AMC Module) from a platform and insertion of a new one while the power is still on and the system is still operating Fan Speed Maintains a cooling policy that dynamically modifies the fan speeds based on temperature and fan speed events
9 System Event Log System Event Log (SEL) Non-volatile repository for all events generated by the sensors that are registered within the platform –Hot-swap events –Threshold events –Discrete events –OEM events
10 Platform Event Filtering Platform Event Filtering (PEF) Take selected actions based on SEL events meeting specified criteria –Criteria Examples –Sensor Type –FRU Type –Severity of threshold crossed –Actions Taken Examples –Send an alert message over LAN –System power off –System reset
11 Platform Event Trap Platform Event Traps (PET) An alert message sent over LAN based on an IPMI event that met PEF criteria Very much like an SNMP trap
12 PTI Offers 5 Management Interfaces User-based Interfaces 1. LEDs: In-Service, Out-Of-Service, User-Defined: Physical Interface 2. Command Line Interface (CLI): Serial Interface 3. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI): LAN Interface Programmatic Interfaces 4. Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP): LAN Interface 5. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): LAN Interface System Manager CLI for Local Access via Serial Port RMCP, SNMP, GUI via LAN AMP5070/71 MicroTCA Platform
13 PTI Software Interfaces (1/4) CLI Provides Comprehensive Access to All IPMI Management Features FRU Management Sensor Information & Commands System Event Log Configure up to 64 PEF Entries Configuration –IP address for OOB LAN Interface –Out-of-Service (OOS) LED color preferences on IO Front Panel Interface –Ethernet Subsystem AMP507x MicroTCA Platform AMC 1 AMC 2 AMC 3 AMC n Platform Mgmnt NexusWare Firmware Application Software IPMI CLI
14 PTI Software Interfaces (2/4) RMCP Provide Comprehensive Access to All IPMI Management Features Transports IPMI commands through Ethernet Packets Out-of-Band 10/100 Ethernet Link AMP507x MicroTCA Platform AMC 1 AMC 2 AMC 3 AMC n Platform Mgmnt NexusWare Firmware Application Software RMCP IPMI System Manager
15 PTI Software Interfaces (3/4) NexusWare SNMP NexusWare SNMP agent maps to IPMI commands Supports v1, v2c, v3 Full Management Information Base (MIB) Supports IPMI Commands –FRU Management, Sensor Monitoring, Control, Logging Events Runs on one or multiple host cards AMP507x MicroTCA Platform AMC 1 AMC 2 AMC 3 AMC n Platform Mgmnt NexusWare Firmware Application Software IPMI System Manager
16 PTI Software Interfaces (4/4) NexusWare System Portal: Web Based GUI Web-based GUI for small deployments System Portal is 1:1 for each platform Web GUI - No development necessary Available for all AMCs running NexusWare NexusWare interfaces to BOTH IPMI and NexusWare OS Multiple AMC sources for failover AMP507x MicroTCA Platform AMC 1 AMC 2 AMC 3 AMC n Platform Mgmnt NexusWare Firmware Application Software IPMI
AdvancedTCA & MicroTCA Management Architectures
18 Management in AdvancedTCA Shelf-External System Manager Shelf Manager Active Shelf Manager Active ShMC Shelf Manager Back Up Shelf Manager Back Up ShMC ATCA Board IPMC 2x Redundant IPMB-0 Key ShMCShelf Management Controller IPMCIntelligent Platform Mgmnt Controller Key ShMCShelf Management Controller IPMCIntelligent Platform Mgmnt Controller Fan Tray Fan Tray IPMC Power Entry Module Power Entry Module Power Module Power Module ATCA Board IPMC ATCA Board IPMC
19 AMC Management in AdvancedTCA Shelf-External System Manager Shelf Manager Active Shelf Manager Active ShMC Shelf Manager Back Up Shelf Manager Back Up ShMC ATCA Board IPMC AMC MMC IPMC 2x Redundant IPMB-0 AMC Carrier Board Key ShMCShelf Management Controller IPMCIntelligent Platform Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller Key ShMCShelf Management Controller IPMCIntelligent Platform Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller IPMB-L Fan Tray Fan Tray IPMC Power Entry Module Power Entry Module Power Entry Module Power Entry Module
20 AMC Management Module Management Controllers (MMCs) FRU data, Sensors, SDRs and a few commands Connects to IPMB-L Carrier IPM Controller Represents AMCs as FRUs Presents the MMC’s sensors and FRU information to the Shelf Manager Special AMC commands, data and requirements for AMC E-Keying AMC Hot Swap AMC Power Budgeting
21 Fully Modular MicroTCA System Shelf-External System Manager MicroTCA Carrier Hub MicroTCA Carrier Hub MCMC MicroTCA Carrier Hub MicroTCA Carrier Hub IPMB-L (1:12) Key MCHMicroTCA Carrier Hub MCMCMicroTCA Carrier Mgmt Controller EMMCEnhanced Module Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller Key MCHMicroTCA Carrier Hub MCMCMicroTCA Carrier Mgmt Controller EMMCEnhanced Module Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller Fan Tray (up to 2) Fan Tray (up to 2) Power Entry Module (up to 4) Power Entry Module (up to 4) MCMC EMMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC IPMB-0(A:B)
22 MicroTCA Management Extensions Enhanced MMCs (EMMCs) Like MMCs, but connect to IPMB-0 instead of IPMB-L Carrier Manager Resides on the MCH All the features of a carrier IPM Controller Some of the features of an aTCA Shelf Manager Can optionally activate AMCs autonomously Shelf Manager interface –LAN / RMCP if Shelf Manager is “remote” (across network) –Open if Shelf Manager is “local” (on MCH with the Carrier Manager) Shelf Manager Can reside on the MCH or elsewhere on the network Similar to an aTCA Shelf Manager, but manages MicroTCA carriers (up to 16) No change to AMCs
23 MicroTCA Modules / Functions Modular MicroTCA Systems have: MicroTCA Carrier Hub (MCH) –Provides carrier management, fabric switching and clock distribution –Can be redundant Power Module (PM) –Provides power conversion, control, and distribution –Carriers can support up to 4 PMs –Supports N+1 redundancy Cooling Unit (CU) –Optional –Up to 2 per Carrier
24 AMC Management in MicroTCA High Integration Shelf-External System Manager MicroTCA Motherboard MicroTCA Motherboard MCMC IPMB-L (1:12) Fan Trays Fan Trays Enterprise Class Power Supply Enterprise Class Power Supply AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC AMC MMC Internal Bus 1GbE PCI-e Key MCMCMicroTCA Carrier Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller Key MCMCMicroTCA Carrier Mgmt Controller MMCModule Management Controller High Integration Has Multiple Advantages Over Modular Approach Standard Off-The-Shelf Power Supply (High EOS) Higher Density Less Complex Lower Profile w/ Front-to- Back Cooling More Cost-effective High Integration Has Multiple Advantages Over Modular Approach Standard Off-The-Shelf Power Supply (High EOS) Higher Density Less Complex Lower Profile w/ Front-to- Back Cooling More Cost-effective MicroTCA.0 Compliant
25 High Availability vs. High Reliability High Availability: Ready for immediate and continuous use No Single Point of Failure: Redundancy for all active components Very Costly High Complexity High Reliability: Ability to perform function Design with High MTBF Components Selectively add redundancy on lower MTBF components –Reduces Costs & Complexity Minimized Number of Modules Please see me about our MicroTCA roadmap
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27 Terms IPMC – Intelligent Platform Management Controller MMC – Module Management Controller Subset of IPMC, used on AMCs EMMC – Enhanced MMC MMC with redundant IPMB interface. PMs and CUs have EMMCs. Carrier Manager Manages a carrier. Provides interface to a Shelf Manager. Shelf Manager Manages a shelf. Provides interface to a System Manager. Generally has user interfaces also. System Manager High-level management software that manages 1 or more shelves. Often application specific.
28 More Terms IPMB-0 Redundant IPMB made up of IPMB-A and IPMB-B. Used on aTCA backplane. Also used in AMPA for communication with PMs and CUs. IPMB-L – Local IPMB IPMB between the carrier manager and AMCs ShMC – Shelf Management Controller Applies to aTCA. Management Controller that provides the physical interface between the Shelf Manager and aTCA’s IPMB-0. MCMC – MicroTCA Carrier Management Controller Applies to AMPA. Management Controller that provides the physical interfaces between the Carrier Manager, IPMB-L and IPMB-0.
29 And, More Terms RMCP – Remote Management Control Protocol IPMI commands over LAN. Only mandated interface into a Shelf Manager from outside. CLI – Command Line Interface FRU – Field Replaceable Unit FRU does not mean FRU info. PEF – Platform Event Filter A mechanism for filter IPMI events and taking action based on them PET – Platform Event Trap An alert, very much like SNMP traps, sent over LAN as a PEF action