2 목차 n WebLogic Architecture n J2EE Spec PreView n WebLogic Basic n Weblogic JDBC n Weblogic JNDI n Weblogic EJB Architecture n Weblogic EJB Deployment n Weblogic EJB Transaction n Weblogic Servlet n Weblogic JSP
3 RDBMS ODBMS BEA Web Logic Architecture BEA WebLogic WebLogic as Web Server WebLogic as Application Server
4 RDBMS ODBMS BEA Web Logic Architecture BEA 웹로직 Directory Server Transaction Manager (Tuxedo) Web Server NSAPI, ISAPI 플러그인기능 C/C++ CORBA (M3,IONA,VISIBROKER 등 ) COM Socket JSP Servlets EJB HTTP HTTPS TCP/IP SSL RMI IIOP COM Events JNI JTS JDBC COM CORBA JNDI HTTP 관리콘솔 htmlKona RMI JOLT JOLT 서버 JMS Timing
5 J2EE Architecture J2SE Applet client Applet container Application colient Application container J2SE JMSJMS JNDIJNDI RMIIIOPRMIIIOP JDBCJDBC Web Container JSP Servlet J2SE EJB Container JMSJMS JNDIJNDI JTAJTA J A V A Mail RMIRMI J2SE EJB DBMS JMSJMS JNDIJNDI JTAJTA J A V A Mail RMIRMI JDBCJDBC JDBCJDBC
6 J2EE Architecture n Java Platform for the Enterprise (JPE) l Java Naming and Directory Service (JNDI) l Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) l Remote Method Invocation (RMI) l Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) l Java Transaction Service (JTS) l Java Transaction Architecture(JTA) l Servlets /JHTML l Java Server Page (JSP) l Java Interface Definition Language(Java IDL) l Java Mail l JavaBeans Activation Framework(JAF) l Java Message Service(JMS) l Extended Markup Language(XML)
7 J2EE Architecture n JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Service) Application Code JNDI API Naming Manager JNDI Server Provider Interface LDAP Driver File System Driver DNS Driver Other LDAP Server File System DNS Server Other
8 J2EE Architecture n JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) DB API JDBC Driver JDBC API Application Code DBMS Type 1~Type 4
9 Transport Layer Remote Reference Layer J2EE Architecture n RMI (Remote Method Invocation) Skeleton Class Stub Classes Client Application Remote Object
10 J2EE Architecture n EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) Application Sever(Container) DBMS EJB
11 J2EE Architecture n JTS (Java Transaction Service) l CORBA Transaction Service 기반 l JTS defines the Interface between Application / Transaction Manger Application Server / Transaction Manager Resource Manager / Transaction Manager Transaction Manger /CRM
12 J2EE Architecture n JTA (Java Transaction Architecture) Transaction Monitor Implementation JAVA Transaction API EJB JDBC JMS
13 J2EE Architecture n Java Servlets provide request/response service can be invoked by HTTP commnads are deployed on web servers look like web pages to client browsers can strore client data in a local session Servlet WebServer DataBase
14 J2EE Architecture n JSP(Java Server Pages) are text-based, editable types of servlets are converted and executed as a servlet by webserver employ special tags to hold Java code JSP WebServer DataBase
15 J2EE Architecture n Java IDL (Java Interface Definition Language) is used to integrete Java & CORBA Language Independent interface Is the basis for CORBA stubs & skeletons n JAVA Mail is a Java API for accessing mail server available for SMTP & IMAP n JAF Integrate support for MIME data type into the Java platform is used JavaMail n JMS Java API for accessing message oriented middleware n XML
16 Weblogic Basic n Application Server Configuration Fire Wall Client Application Client Application WWW Internet Internal Network Local Client Application Fire Wall Application server DBMS
17 Weblogic Basic n Application Server Configuration Client Application WWW Internet Internal Network Application server DBMS Application server Application server Proxy server
18 Weblogic Basic n Application Server Configuration Client Application WebLogic Server Message Queue Web Client Thread Pool Deployed Application
19 Weblogic Basic n Directory Structure [root directory] weblogic bin classes lib myserver examples license
20 Weblogic JDBC RDBMS Client Java Application JDBC API JDBC-ODBC Bridge JDBC-Native Bridge JDBC-Net Bridge All JDBC Driver ODBC Driver Native API (C, C++) NetWork Server (Type 1) (Type 2) (Type 3) (Type 4)
21 Weblogic JDBC Client Java Application JDBC API JDBC-ODBCBridge ODBC Driver Server DBMS n Type 1 Driver JDBC-ODBC Bridge 사용 Client 에 ODBC Driver 필요 Sun Mycrosystems 에서만 배포
22 Weblogic JDBC Client Java Application JDBC API JDBC-Native Bridge Native Driver Server DBMS n Type 2 Driver DBMS Native Driver 필요 각 Client 에 Native Driver 배포 JDBC Driver 가 client 요청을 Native API 로 변경해서 호출
23 Weblogic JDBC Client Java Application JDBC API JDBC-Net Driver Network Server DBMS n Type 3 Driver DBMS Native Driver 필요 각 Client 에 Native Driver 배포 JDBC Driver 가 client 요청을 Native API 로 변경해서 호출 DBMS
24 Weblogic JDBC Client Java Application JDBC API JDBC Driver n Type 4 Driver Pure Java 를 이용한 JDBC Driver 각 Client 에서는 Client side configuration 이 필요 없음 DBMS
25 Weblogic JDBC n WebLogic Connection Pools Setting up connections at server startup dynamic growth/shrinkage of the pools DBMS RS/6 000 IB M WebLogic Server Client Connection Pool
26 Weblogic JNDI n WebLogic JNDI Structure Application Code JNDI API Naming Manager JNDI Server Provider Interface LDAP File System DNS RMI NIS CORBA
27 Weblogic JNDI n WebLogic JNDI Tree Initial context 다른 context 와 연결된 Context 다른 두개의 context 와 연결된 하나의 객체 Binding 은 logical name 과 context 를 가진 객체 간의 연결을 의미한다.
28 Weblogic EJB Architecture n EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) Application Architecture Dynamic HTML DBMS Java Applet Java Client Web Server JSP/Servlet Application Server IIOP/RMI HTTP Transaction,security, naming service
29 Weblogic EJB Architecture n EJB Design Architecture 3 basic design approach for building EJB Stateless server approach Session-oriented approach Persistent object approach EJB specification Stateless session bean Stateful session bean Entity bean
30 Weblogic EJB Architecture(Session) n Stateless Session EJB Client 의 상태 정보를 저장하고 있지 않음 EJB server 가 Fail 났을 경우 EJB 내의 정보도 삭제 하나의 session bean 에서 생성된 두 instance 는 상호 독립적 n Stateful Session EJB Client 와 EJB 는 conversational 모델 Client 의 상태 정보를 저장 EJB server 가 Fail 났을 경우 EJB 내의 정보도 삭제 각 Instance 는 Single Thread 사용
31 Weblogic EJB Architecture (Session) n Stateless VS Stateful Session EJB client
32 Weblogic EJB Architecture(Entity) n Entity EJB 영구적인 데이터를 참조 EJB server 가 Fail 이 되어도 데이터는 보존됨 Multiple client 는 동일한 데이터를 참조할 수 있음 EJB instance 는 데이터 저장소의 데이터를 참조
33 Weblogic EJB Architecture (Entity) n Shared Entity EJBs client Persistent store
34 Weblogic EJB Architecture (Entity) n Type of Persistence client Persistent store CMP (Container-Managed Persistence) BMP (Bean-Managed Persistence) CMP BMP
35 Weblogic EJB Architecture n WebLogic Pooling/Passivation client Free Pool Cache Passivated Objects
36 Weblogic EJB Architecture n EJB Interface Home Interface EJB 생성 EJB 삭제 EJB Meta 정보를 저장 EJB Clients 가 공유 Weblogic Startup 시 JNDI 에서 Stub 정보를 포함 Remote Interface EJB 의 business logic 정보를 저장
37 Weblogic EJB Architecture n EJB Processing Client
38 Weblogic EJB Deployment n EJB Deployment EJB Class File Jar utility META-INF\ejb-jar.xml Com.beans.MyBean.class Com.beans.MyBeanHome.class Com.beans.MyBeanBean.class Com.beans.MyPK.class ejb-jar.xml Weblogic-ejb-jar.xml naked jar file weblogic ejbc compiler Deployable jar file
39 Weblogic EJB Deployment n XML ejb-jar.xml weblogic-ejb-jar.xml weblogic-rdbms-jar.xml <!DOCTYPE weblogic-rdbms-bean PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic EJB RDBMS Persistence//EN' '
40 Weblogic EJB Transaction n Transaction Interactions dirty reads – the reading of uncommitted chages Non-repeatable reads – the reading of uncommitted and then changed data phantom reads – the reading of new rows for the same where clause
42 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_NOT_SUPPORTED 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client
43 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_SUPPORTS 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client
44 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_MANDATORY 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client TransactionRequired Exception
45 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_REQUIRED 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client 1-begin 2-method 3-commit
46 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_REQUIRES_NEW 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client 1-begin 2-method 3-commit 1-begin 2-method 3-commit
47 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TX_BEAN_MANAGED 1-begin 2-method 3-commit Container EJB Client 1-begin 2-method 3-commit 1-begin 2-method 3-commit
48 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED allow dirty reads allow phantom reads allow non-repeatable reads n TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED prevents dirty reads allow phantom reads allow non-repeatable reads
49 Weblogic EJB Transaction n TRANSACTION_REPETABLE_READ prevents dirty reads prevents phantom reads allow non-repeatable reads n TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE prevents dirty reads prevents phantom reads prevents non-repeatable reads
50 Weblogic Servlets Servlet 지원 n 웹로직 서버에서 제공하는 HTTP Servlets l Session tracking l Database access l Multihoming l Configuration and management l Security l Logging and report generation l Integrated services
51 Weblogic Servlets Servlet Access Model n Model #1 RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 Servlets Req Res JDBC RMI HTTP
52 Weblogic Servlets Servlet Access Model n Model #2 RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 Servlets Req Res JDBC RMI Servlets Requester/Browser HTTP
53 n 서블릿은 concurrent 요청에 대해 다중 핸들이 가능해야 한다. Weblogic Servlets Multithreading Client Program Execute Thread Servlet Instance Web Server / Servlet Engine
54 n singleThreadModel 인터페이스 구현시 구조 Weblogic Servlets SingleThreading Client Program Execute Thread Servlet Instance Web Server / Servlet Engine Block and wait for first thread to complete Each request gets its own instance
55 n 브라우저에 웹 서버의 정보들을 저장 n 브라우저에 의해 삭제 n 보안상 위험성 있음 Weblogic Servlets Cookie
56 Weblogic Servlets Cookie RS/6 000 Web Server URL : Browser Client Cookie persistently stored on the browser
57 n Session Sharing Weblogic Servlets Session Servlet Client1 Session Web Server / Servlet Engine Client2 Session Client2 Client1
58 Weblogic Servlets Interservlet Communication n Servlet Forwarding RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 Servlets Req Res JDBC RMI Servlets Requester/Browser HTTP
59 Weblogic Servlets Interservlet Communication n Servlet Including RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 Servlets Req JDBC RMI Servlets Requester/Browser HTTP Res
60 Weblogic JSP What is a JSP? n Servlet 에 비해 JSP 의 장점 l Write once, run anywhere l IDE 들과 통합가능 (dreamweaver…) l 사용자가 tag 확장가능 l 디자인과 로직 분리
61 Weblogic JSP JSP Translation Process JSP (text document) Output Servlet (.java) Servlet (.class) Translated Compiled Loaded/executed No changes since last translation
62 Weblogic Servlets Programming Model n Simple Model RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 JSP Req Res JDBC RMI HTTP
63 Weblogic Servlets Programming Model n Forwarding Delegation Model RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 JSP Req Res JDBC RMI JSP Requester/Browser HTTP Res JSP Req Res Req Done via forward action
64 Weblogic Servlets Programming Model n Forwarding Delegation Model RDBMS ODBMS EJB BEA 웹로직 JSP Req Res JDBC RMI JSP Requester/Browser HTTP JSP Done via forward action out