Focal Plane Arrays and Focal Plane Electronics for Large Scientific Telescopes The HAWAII-2RG (H2RG) is the leading IR focal plane array (FPA) in ground- and space-based IR astronomy and offers un-matched performance and cosmetic quality between 500 nm and 5.3 micron – Substrate removed HgCdTe for high QE throughout spectral band – Lowest noise and dark current – Performance confirmed by major observatories and instrument teams Delivered over 40 science grade H2RG FPAs for facility class instruments to major ground based observatories around the world Delivered ×4096 pixel mosaics – JWST NIRCam (Delivered) Two 2x2 space flight H2RG mosaics, 4 outputs / H2RG, SIDECAR ASIC based focal plane electronics (FPE) – Gemini GSAOI (Delivered) One 2x2 ground-based H2RG mosaic, 4 outputs / H2RG – CFHT WIRCAM (On the sky – CFHT) One 2x2 ground-based H2RG mosaic, 32 outputs / H2RG – ESO HAWK-I (On the sky – VLT) One 2x2 ground-based mosaic, 32 outputs / H2RG – OCIW FOURSTAR (Delivered) One 2x2 ground-based mosaic, 32 outputs / H2RG, SIDECAR ASIC FPE – MPIA PANIC (Delivered) One 2x2 ground-based mosaic, 32 outputs / H2RG SIDECAR ASIC based focal plane electronics (FPE) – Compact size, low power, turn-key hardware and software Dedicated Astronomy & Civil Space Market Segment – Dedicated program management and support team – Responsiveness to customer inquiries – Shortened delivery schedule One Modular Packaging Approach for all Applications Silicon Carbide (SiC) carrier for visible (Silicon) and substrate removed IR (HgCdTe) focal planes Rigid-flex cable with wirebond pads and with passives for flight or ground-based application SIDECAR ASIC “on-board” = photons in bits out Analog output option Dark Current [e-/sec] A pixel is considered operable if QE > 35% (shown for 2000 nm), dark current is < 1 e-/sec, and CDS read noise is < 50 e- Earth and Planetary Science “Standard” Ground-Based Astronomy Cutoff Wavelengths Near infrared (NIR) 1.75 µm J,H Short-wave infrared (SWIR) 2.5 µm J,H,K Mid-wave infrared (MWIR)5.3 µm J,H,K,L,M H2RG Focal Plane Array and SIDECAR ASIC Focal Plane Electronics – A High Performance Integrated System for Astronomy for NIR ( co = 1.75 m), SWIR ( co = 2.5 m), and MWIR ( co = 5.3 m) Observations H4RG Focal Plane Array and SIDECAR ASIC Focal Plane Electronics – The Next Generation Building Block for the ELTs is on its Way Low Noise and Negligible Dark Current High and Uniform QE Throughout Spectral Band High Operability and Excellent Cosmetic Quality WISEJWSTHST Your Partner for: Space-Based Astronomy Ground-Based Astronomy Wavelength (microns) Atmospheric Transmission H4RG-15 Focal Plane and SIDECAR ASIC Focal Plane Electronics Building Block Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) as a Function of Temperature Measured Theoretical Fowler-32: 3.4 e- Fowler Pairs Noise [e-] Data: Courtesy of ESO, KMOS Project CDS Noise on 3 Science Grade and 1 Engineering Grade Focal Plane Arrays less than 10 electrons Quantum Efficiency QE > 85%, / mean < 2 % (shown for 2,000 nm) Spectral response of KMOS Science Grade Focal Plane Array Data: Courtesy of ESO, KMOS Project Science Grade Pixel Operability > 99%Only 1 cluster with 57 inoperable pixel Richard Blank, Eric Piquette, Raphael Ricardo, Michael Eads, Jing Chen, Mark Farris, Brian Starr, and James Beletic ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) FacilityCalar Alto ObservatoryMauna Kea Observatories - Hawaii Machellan Telescopes Definition of Cutoff Wavelength H2RG Focal Plane Array SIDECAR ASIC in standard ceramic package SIDECAR ASIC in hermetically sealed package SIDECAR ASIC Cryogenic Focal Plane Electronics 5x7 H2RG Focal Plane Array Mosaic Fully Substrate Removed HgCdTe: Overall improved QE Response to visible and UV Less susceptible to cosmic rays Eliminates fringing in substrate material Photons in Bits out SIDECAR ASIC H4RG-15 SCA H4RG-10 Hybrid Visible Imager (HyViSI) Focal Plane on Invar Prototype H4RG-10: 4096 x 4096, 10 m Pixel FPA H4RG-10 Hybrid Visible Imager (HyViSI™) focal plane array is baseline for an astrometric space mission Focal planes delivered in 2009 provide required performance at 193 K Dark current < 0.05 e/sec Operability > 99% CDS noise < 10 e- Flight arrays are planned to be delivered in 2010 First prototype 1.75 m IR SCAs demonstrated Number of Pixel Dark Current Scale: – e- / sec CDS Noise [e-] Mean CDS Noise: 12.3 e- (9.0 e- on reference pixel) Fowler Pairs Noise [e-] Fowler-16: 4.3 e- Measured Theoretical Data: Courtesy of OCIW, FourStar Project Frequency Obtained with SIDECAR ASIC Focal Plane Electronics Number of Pixel QE Scale: 40% – 100% Pixel Operability MapBad-Pixel Cluster Map and Histogram Pixel in clusters: 57 Number of clusters: 1 Number of Clusters ,0000 Cluster Size GOES-RMMMRosettaOCO-R Data: Courtesy of NASA GSFC, WFC-3 Project Photo: Courtesy of GL Scientific 2x2 H2RG Mosaics (4096 x 4096 Pixel) Photo: Courtesy of GL Scientific H4RG-15: 4096 x 4096, 15 m Pixel FPA Development of the H4RG-15 IR, fully substrate removed FPA is planned to commence in November 2009 Maintain performance of H2RG FPA by simultaneously substantially reducing cost per pixel Photo: Courtesy of GL Scientific 3D-Model: Courtesy of GL Scientific H2RG SiC Package E-ELT TMT GMT Median Dark Current < e- / sec at 77 K TSI-0472 OSR Case 08-S-1729OSR Case 08-S-1691OSR Case 08-S-1729 OSR Case 08-S-1691 OSR Case 08-S-1729 Photo: Courtesy of GL Scientific