歐洲復興開發銀行採購商機 台灣歐銀業務發展辦事處 楊雅雯經理
3,468 Projects 59.4 billion EURO – private sector 15.8 billion EURO – public sector 33 countries of operations
Investments in infrastructure In 2011 the Bank’s public sector clients signed about 220 contracts for 1.65 billion EURO
Key 2011 public procurement data (1) A total of 219 contracts worth €1,645 million were signed, with EBRD’s financing totalling €1,055 million, excluding contracts administered by the Nuclear Safety Department (NSD) 81 per cent of all contracts (87 per cent in value) were subject to the Bank’s open tendering procedure 805 tenders from 49 countries were received on the Bank’s financed contracts 45% 14% 41%
Key 2011 public procurement data (2) The average (overall) contract value €7.5 million and 30 of the contracts were greater than €10 million The 113 work contracts represent the largest in contract value (57%)
Key 2011 public procurement data (3) The majority of public contract were through open tender (83% in value) The entities from the following five countries won 60% of open tender : Italy (€239 million), Ukraine (€184 million), Kazakhstan (€157 million) India (€130 million) and Russia Federation (€126 million)
Value of Contracts (€ million) Five year dynamics Public Sector Contracts 669 Total value €7.12 billion EBRD financed €4.54 billion The highest total amount of contract value: Russia €1.62 billion Ukraine€1.18 billion Romania€0.63 billion Kazakhstan €0.61 billion Bosnia and Herzegovina €0.56 billion
Examples of public contracts under the Bank’s financed projects Municipal infrastructure –Waterworks, pipelines, meters, pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, incinerators, district heating networks, buses, trams, trolleybuses –123 contracts (56%); €499 million (30%) Transport –Rail track maintenance equipment, locomotives, signalling systems, air traffic control and navigation equipment, motorways, management information systems, PMMR/OPRC –68 contracts (31%); €821 million (50%)
Examples of public contracts under the Bank’s financed projects Power and Energy Efficiency –Power transmission lines, transformer substations, distribution control systems, power stations, meters, energy efficiency equipment, generation plants, management information systems –20 contracts (9%); €320 million (19%) Natural Resources –Oil pipelines, gas pipelines, pumping stations, oil and gas terminals, storage reservoirs
Reference Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R) Report and Analysis - Annual Procurement Review - Listing of Signed Contracts /project/reports.shtml
THANK YOU ! Jessica Yang Liaison Officer, Taiwan Office for EBRD Business Development Tel: Fax: 台灣歐銀業務發展辦事處 Jessica Yang Liaison Officer, Taiwan Office for EBRD Business Development Tel: Fax: 台灣歐銀業務發展辦事處