{ The Process of Producing Objective 8.1 Examine the components of the Food and Examine the components of the Food and Agricultural Literacy: Apply mathematics and Agricultural Literacy: Apply mathematics and science concepts. science concepts. Discuss consumer production and processing issues related to food science. Discuss consumer production and processing issues related to food science.
Production is the creation of value; producing articles of value. Production of food and fiber What is Production?
producing food and fiber, farmer Production Examples
weather, price, supply and demand, labor, availability of supplies Production Concerns
Manufacturing is changing a product into a useful form Provides inputs for production sector Processes food and fiber for sale to consumer What is Manufacturing??
fertilizer, chemicals, feed, machinery, processing plants wholesalers and retailers, food brokers, groceries, fast food, restaurants Manufacturing Examples
labor, supply and demand, fertilizer and other chemical costs Manufacturing Concerns
Marketing is preparing a product for sale or trade. Transports and sells outputs of manufacturing sector to producers and consumers What is Marketing?
trucking companies to retailers and wholesalers, agriculture businesses, price brokers, advertising agencies, food brokers, groceries, fast food industry, restaurants Marketing Examples
demand for a particular product, labor needs, technology requirements/needs, health trends, consumer trends Marketing Concerns
Service is providing a helpful act or accommodation for something. Provides financing, service and support for production sector What is Service?
credit agencies, insurance companies, price supports, product researchers Service Examples
availability of government programs, farmer support, interest rates, /livestock availability Service Concerns
Identify the four sectors of the agriculture industry. Identify the four sectors of the agriculture industry. Provide two specific examples for each sector. Provide two specific examples for each sector. List one concern associated with each sector. List one concern associated with each sector. Assessment