RAON Simulation Chanyoung Llagi Lee Yonsei HEP
Physics List: FTFP_INCLXX 2
Atomic number distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields Atomic number
Atomic mass distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Atomic mass Normalized yields
Isotope distributions of ions 5 Normalized yields Atomic mass - 1 GeV MeV MeV 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr
Momentum distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields Momentum [GeV]
Momentum distributions of ions GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr Momentum [GeV]
Cosine of polar angle of momentum distribution of secondary particles 8 Normalized yields - 1 GeV MeV MeV
Cosine of polar angle of momentum distributions of ions 9 Normalized yields - 1 GeV MeV MeV 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr
Physics List: FTFP_BERT 10
Atomic number distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields Atomic number
Atomic mass distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Atomic mass Normalized yields
Isotope distributions of ions 13 Normalized yields Atomic mass - 1 GeV MeV MeV 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr
Momentum distribution of secondary particles GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields Momentum [GeV]
Momentum distributions of ions GeV MeV MeV Normalized yields 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr Momentum [GeV]
Cosine of polar angle of momentum distribution of secondary particles 16 Normalized yields - 1 GeV MeV MeV
Cosine of polar angle of momentum distributions of ions 17 Normalized yields - 1 GeV MeV MeV 2 He 50 Sn 55 Cs 87 Fr