1 OCM U 1.15 Social Media at UofL The Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM)
3 About OCM OCM is under the Advancement Office for the University. OCM is charged with maintaining and promoting the university brand and strategic marketing mission, as a whole.
4 History
5 Before you start marketing, do you… 1.have passion? 2.know… who you want (not always who you currently have)? what you’re “selling” and why ? where you are going to market (city, state, nation, world, universe)? when are you going to launch? why someone must they have it? 3.have what it takes to succeed? ($, resources, people, time) 4.have a plan or goal in mind 5.have a vision of who/what you are (an image)
6 Best two out of three
7 Going to market, I need… 1.a product / service / offer / brand 2.a message 3.to solve a problem 4.a value proposition standards, boundaries or limits 5.a distribution channel do-it-yourself find partners to sell it for/with you pay a third-party to sell it for you 6.a way to determine success --- The desire to improve, every day ---
8 10%> Total 10%< Total Facebook MySpace Twitter Hi5 Netlog LinkedIn Orkut Xing Ning Hyves Q : Which of these social network sites do you know, even if only by name? N Total = 2884 / F = None Source: InSites Consulting A WARENESS Exceeding countries Within the online population, 72% are connected to at least 1 social network website
9 Don’t forget marketing Product – make it real, even in the digital realm Testimonials (video or text) Video tutorials or tours Imagery That which evokes emotion (usually not a lot of text) 2.Price – show it off 3.Place – where people get your “product” online is important Leverage those who are bigger than you, While maintaining your own presence and identity 4.Promotion – good luck being found without it! (200+M sites) Traditional – it still works! Guerrilla (online & offline) Viral – if you are popular or have $ to be Social Advertising – paid or in-kind
11 OK, let’s do this… Understand your playing field Without communication you WILL compete with your co-workers side note
12 Start with the end in mind 1.Where will people end their session with you? (your goal) A sale, registration, application or other form Reading an article A download Volume metrics (number of people, page views or time on site) 2.What is the appropriate vehicle to drive people to my site? Social networking may not be the right solution If social networking is the right solution, which network(s)? Will I supplement my social networking with online ads, blog outreach, other Don’t forget traditional ads/promotion or guerrilla marketing
13 Set up your funnel
14 But there’s only one of me!!! 1.Start where you are (Facebook, a blog, Twitter, YouTube) 2.Identify 1-2 social networks Facebook LinkedIn | Google+ | My _____ | Twitter 3.Leverage sharing sites for their hosting (enjoy social benefit) YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Shutterfly, Picasa 4.Blogs are NOT social networks, see OCMu dates for info 5.Social content generation (a wiki) is NOT social networking 6.Let others test, try and perfect new networks before you Google+, others 7.Ask for help from those who DO 8.Ask for ideas from those who consult (they watch trends but not always experienced in how to make it work)
Make sure you have help! 15
16 Work the network - Facebook 1.Invite your friends first then ask co-workers to invite % want your Wall, 16% custom pages 3.Have something to say and questions to ask 4.Have an opinion (don’t get fired or put in jail) Maintain professionalism Maintain direction and goal 5.Recognize your fans (or potential) often 6.Promote those who promote you 7.Let your fans help define your tone, frequency and attitude UofL
17 Work the network - Twitter 1.75+% of Twitter users are bloggers using it for promotion 2.Largely used by the local media (and media in general) 3.College student usage is rising characters + photo + location 5.If you have a lot of followers + steady stream of news, use it 6.If you want to reach the media, with regular updates, use it 7.If students ask for it, use it 8.Otherwise, don’t invest in it unless there is demand and # liberally 10.Keep your goals in mind UofL
19 Work the network - LinkedIn 1.Largely graduates and professionals 2.Being used for networking, recruiting and knowledge share 3.Within months, will be an approved job app. for many Corp 4.Want a new job? Get on LinkedIn, yesterday! 5.Be an influencer and contributor 6.Work your network (within reason) 7.Professionals EXPECT you to be doing business 8.Now a paid job-posting service UofL
20 Work the network - Foursquare 1.Location-based social network 2.You check-in at locations, see who is there 3.Try to find the people you see (online), bring it to life 4.Become the “Mayor” of a location 5.Use it if you do events, travel or are away from a desk often 6.4sq is growing faster than FB, here 7.4sq has more followers than Facebook UofL – one of the first 19 Foursquare Universities strong relationship – bring your ideas to me we will be working with them more until FB makes it irrelevant
22 Working the networks General tips Start with one to three posts a week Photos, videos and contests KILL copy but don’t kill people with them Look for opportunities to make it real (physical) social networking Open your wall to all…open your doors to liability (corporate) Comment liberally, remove comments conservatively Tell them (in front of all) why you removed their comment UofL policy (don’t be dumb and remove bad or off-topic stuff) Be open but don’t get caught with your pants down Answer every question (that’s on subject) If you can’t answer a question, it’s OK, just say. “sorry, I can’t…” Ask for help! Spend some money (see OCMu about FB and Google advertising) NO social network is forever, invest accordingly
23 What about the other networks? What’s up with Google Plus? Google’s version of Facebook More secure Google Plus is: + FB + Twitter + Picasa + YouTube + Skype + Foursquare +++ It is larger than Twitter, not as large as FB and more powerful than both of them together Profiling + + search = the most powerful advertising platform ever seen
24 Increase awareness by answering “What’s Happening Here” –Pulling ‘awareness’ or ‘driver’ stories from the following places (not inclusive) UofL Today articles UofLBlog.com UofLAthletics.com Department and Unit websites or events Advancement (big fundraising stories) The President and Provosts Office Self generated (creating our own stories, like Photos for Families) Increase engagement online and in-person –This includes but is not limited to: Improving website traffic (not necessarily increasing) Increasing “fans” (likes, followers, etc.) Increasing engagement (actual interaction) Improving the UofL online experience More as new tools and opportunities become available OCM Online Objectives
25 Primary landing site (have a primary and at least one sub site) Facebook Twitter YouTube + Vimeo Flickr Pinterest & Instagram Blog Other social networks we are on but not heavily participating in: –Ustream, Meetup.com –Foursquare –more… UofL Social Media?
26 1. Be social –Join the UofL Social Media Facebook groupSocial Media Facebook –Meet periodically –Track everything and share your results, help us all succeed –Meet with OCM so we can help 2. Build your social media strategy, each unit –Be sure your unit keywords are being tracked. (Keyword rank doc) –Once we track your keywords we can monitor progress 3. Integrate online into everyday 4. Plan University-wide social media ‘campaigns’ 5. Start to think viral 6. Identify how we can change the world First Steps to Success
27 Contact OCM Social Media Contact Jeff Rushton Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) UofL Social Media Group Facebook search “UofL Social Media” Google Plus invite Send Gmail account