1 KM Track Overview & Gaining Value from Knowledge -- Knowledge Management (KM) and the Contracting Professional Breakout Session # 119 Name: Gaining Value from Knowledge – Knowledge Management (KM) and the Contracting Professional Date: 30 July 2012 Time:
2010©Working Knowledge CSP How Can This Track Help You Leverage What You Know? Develop A Common Understanding Of How Organizations Enable Knowledge Sharing and Reuse to Improve Performance Introduce the valuable concept of capturing and reusing critical knowledge as part of the way contract managers work as a basic tool set to meet the evolving changes in the content and process of contract management 2
3 (Session 119 | | 30 July 2012) Gaining Value from Knowledge – Knowledge Management (KM) and the Contracting Professional (Session 219 | | 30 July 2012) Social Speed of Need: Is There Really Any Other Way? (Session 319 | | 30 July 2012) Knowledge Enabled Acquisition Management: Leveraging Knowledge and Effective Practices in the Acquisition Office (Session 419 | | 31 July 2012) Leveraging Knowledge to Craft and Administer More Effective Contracts in a 21 st Century Acquisition Environment (Session 519 | | 31 July 2012) Experience Based Learning KM Track Overview
Knowledge at the Point of Need? 4
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 5 What is Knowledge Management? Knowledge Management as “an emerging discipline that stresses a formalized, integrated approach to managing an enterprise’s intangible information assets … a coordinated attempt to tap the unrealized potential for sharing and reuse that lies in an enterprise's collective consciousness.” Gartner Group KM is “providing the right information to the right decision-maker at the right, time, thus creating the right condition for new knowledge to be created.” Dow Chemical Knowledge Management is a business strategy, best practice transfer, personal learning, customer intelligence, intellectual asset management, and innovation. The American Productivity & Quality Center
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 6 Some Questions to Consider? How many of you know what everybody else in your subject matter area or area of responsibility are doing? How many of you think there are sources of knowledge, such as experience and insight, in your organization that you might need but aren’t sure how to find it/them? How many of you learn something in the daily execution of your responsibilities and achievement of your mission that you believe might be helpful to someone else? How many of you take the time to learn before, during, and after the work that you do?
KM Concepts 7
8 Creating a Common Understanding About Knowledge Relationships and trust are required for knowledge transfer and re-use Data “0930UA0010” Information “United flight 0010 leaves Toronto at 1345 Knowledge “That flight is always delayed and often cancelled”
9 One View of Knowledge ©Working Knowledge CSP
Where Knowledge Resides 10
Attributes of a High Performing and Knowledge Enabled Organization 11
2010©Working Knowledge CSP Creating A Knowledge Solution A Knowledge Solution should outline a blueprint of processes, practices and tools for capturing, creating, storing, and applying knowledge that is valued by the organization, utilized by all leadership and workforce, and enabled by an integrated technology platform. 12
13 Understand (1) the future state that you wish to achieve from leveraging “what you know about what you do” to improve business or operational performance, and (2) the outcome that you wish to achieve through your investment in Knowledge Management (KM) Any KM investment should be grounded in the overall strategic plan of your organization. Developing a KM Strategy and codifying this as part of the overall strategic plan helps to embed KM as an achievable and valued objective that is supported by leadership Identify and implement the relevant KM practices, tools, and techniques that you will embed in your organization as part of the way you work to consistently capture, adapt, transfer, and reuse the critical and relevant knowledge needed to drive your desired strategic outcomes. Knowledge Concepts: Knowledge Strategy Implementing Practices Thinking About KM in Your CM Organization: Concept | Strategy | Practice
Thinking About KM in Your CM Organization: Considerations 14 Focus on: (1)easily stated and easily understood outcomes … (2)tied to select measures of (KM) success … (3)tracked to existing culture, strategic initiatives and measures of value.
15 Big Problem Workforce Turnover and Knowledge Loss
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 16 Why Is Knowledge Loss A Key Workforce Challenge We Are Facing? Loss of knowledge -- and people with the knowledge -- between agencies and those leaving government is increasing No integrated process or framework to capture and reuse the workforce’s relevant information, experience, and insight on a consistent and disciplined basis Complicating factors : (1) increasing size and complexity of acquisition workload (2) decline in number of professionals in acquisition workforce It exists at the leadership level and at the workforce level – it’s multi- generational and still not priority for most organizations
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 17 What Are Some Things You Can Do Right Now In Your Organization To Be Successful In Reducing Knowledge Loss? Recognize that it’s never too late to start addressing this challenge and its associated risks (risks might be acceptance, not having a sharing culture, view that it’s extra work) Recognize that the concept of knowledge capture begins at the beginning of one’s entry into the workforce, not when they are leaving the workforce!! Evaluate how you currently capture what you know and how you reuse it and leverage what good things you already are doing 17
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 18 You can’t capture everything that everyone knows, nor would you want to do this Decide what knowledge is critical to the organization or is necessary to improve all aspects of your organization’s performance Start small and engineer for success so people can see it’s doable Technology cannot do this alone because it can’t get what’s in your head into someone else’s What Are Some Things You Can Do Right Now In Your Organization To Be Successful In Reducing Knowledge Loss? 18
2010©Working Knowledge CSP Capturing and Retaining Critical and Relevant Knowledge 19
2010©Working Knowledge CSP 1. Support a framework for “performing and learning” 2. Help people and teams learn before, during, and after the work they do is the single, most effective way to improve performance and establish value 3. Put a process is in place to integrate captured knowledge and to make it visible and usable for others 4. Capture, store, and make accessible experience and learnings in the context of the re-user of the knowledge 5. Ensure responsibilities are defined for maintaining all knowledge processes and activities 6. Support and facilitate sharing knowledge across organization boundaries You Can Do This! 20
21 Questions ????? More information: Bill Kaplan, CPCM, Fellow